
This is really not going to work at all...just for starters, this raises the price of the good at import and therefore increases the amount the china gov’t gets. Also, it destroys pricing to the China buyers so you just fucked the us economy and massively upped the deficit. Also you cost a ton of jobs.

Close the loop on that example. If all the products made in China were made in the US, we would have MASSIVE inflation...a t-shirt from wal-mart would cost $50...and consumers would get the shaft (since you know that sellers always take advantage of tariffs to build in additional price hikes).

We buy china made by us companies, it’s absurd to tax the import. Also the car example is stupid, there are so few China cars imported into the US that raising the tariff only serves to push China to raise other tariffs. Quick road to another great depression. And finally, countries that impose high tariffs hurt their

And colleges make billions off of players without compensation...sports is just one area where americans are wholly deluded.

and funny thing is, any regular workplace would have a much more significant interest in knowing they aren’t hiring someone with anger management issues, but if you asked this questions or other offensive ones to goad someone into reacting, you would be sued and lose in heartbeat

So essentially you don’t think any business should ever be started unless it will turn a profit from day one? So essentially no business should exist?

Termite healthcare is crap.

Or at least as youth.

If only amazing patents were a requirement to shake down other companies.

They are too busy denying Trump is a criminal now to worry about the climate.

nope, as explained a billion times already, you are wrong

wow, crazy has a new champion

And not like a single republican actually cares about free speech.

Oh shit, if it was about what was right, the NRA headquarters would be firebombed already. You better pray we on the left don’t decide to tear wrong shit down.

“Technicality excuse” WTF are you talking about? Public service? Your entire viewpoint is so flawed.

Ban them and ban speed traps and radar...all non-safety related revenue bullshit.

It would have to be “Latin-x” to have the other pronunciation.
