
And someone remind me the last time the US ran a surplus...surely that was under a republican, riiiight?

Very happy I have no idea who these assclowns are.

I hope you have your handgun with you in case of an accident.

OK I will tickle the troll, what science and math deniers support CAFE?

they should offer a service that will put a jaguar family on the back and add as you add kids

you failed...too many words and they resemble the English language

Honestly, I didn’t know “punchable face” was an actual gene.

It’s more of a restocking project...filling the swamp with alligators...

Can I get one of these that shoots forward and eliminates slow drivers in my way? Maybe 2 Tesla flamespitters?

and when governments convert all their currencies to block chain, we can blame these insufferable idiots for not being able to spend anything anonymously

and by “less” you mean “not”

I’m down for some lynch-burning later...anyone else?

Let me guess, he is a closet Furry.

Think of the millions of sentient civilizations that believe the same thing...I wonder how many have finally matured to the point where they are beyond superstition?

Yeah the whole point of the article is that nothing we think is unique is unique. I am almost as certain that we will never detect another intelligent species as I am that many of them exist.

And an explosive device in your brain, just in case you try to steal trade secrets.

Yeah, filling is not a pro.

I am pretty sure they vat-grow these vapid racist blonds. Kellyanne was the prototype which is why she’s ugly as fuck.

It’s that blond Mormon hair that drives the cultists crazy!

He has admitted he was at least grossly and criminally negligent.