
I don’t think this will do it...we are a national of mentally ill people that can’t do even the simplest things to protect themselves (like banning firearms).

Or just get over the stupid hang-ups.

One lyric and you are fucking all rappers should just give up have them nailed.

No, people being stupid as fuck is what gets people like trump elected.

There is no rational basis for speeding tickets (including automated ones) other than local revenue and the corrupt insurance industry.

Couldn’t we clear out some shit state no one cares about anyway (e.g. Kansas), and then stuff all these nut jobs into it?

Wow you really are blind to reality...also, please use ‘agent’ about 1000 more times in your next post.

Money $B’s
Intelligence Negligible
Class Nonexistent

this is an absurd position...irrational hatred (of many things) and misogyny drove the toxic cheeto’s win...

It’s like an Infiniti if Infiniti wasn’t worried that all their drivers were over 50.

and hear his dumb fucking voice and sniffling...god what an annoying simpering little fucktard

No it’s not a fair conversation. There are two different “conversations” one involving removal of statues commemorating those who sought to revolt against the US over slavery (easy convo pull those fucking things down)...and another conversation around how slavery was part of our society from its founding, and how

The DNC??? Say fucking what?

You don’t have to enable defend or protect nazis as they try to fact the only moral action is to do literally everything in your power to shut them down.

More like #themoreyoudeflect. Slave ownership isn’t the issue *here*. The issue is traitors like Lee who *fought* for the right to own slaves.

And lots of new SStop SSigns.

Not to mention these assholes support the idea that gov’t should never limit their “freedom” including freedom to assault or murder their targets. They don’t deserve any legal protection.

No outing is not even close...not even remotely close...these assholes need to be shunned from society...refused jobs, refused service at restaurants...denied medical services...nothing bad that happens to them is enough.

Like gold (for the most part) bitcoin’s only value is that it can be converted out to a real currency at some point to buy real things. As others have pointed out, it will never be a reliable actual currency because it has no overarching government backing.

Cop was going way to fast with essentially zero visibility from side to side. Killing an innocent person was a very possible outcome.