
You don’t have to enable defend or protect nazis as they try to fact the only moral action is to do literally everything in your power to shut them down.

More like #themoreyoudeflect. Slave ownership isn’t the issue *here*. The issue is traitors like Lee who *fought* for the right to own slaves.

And lots of new SStop SSigns.

Nope, no need to modify it. Republican now means (and has meant) radical racist.

It will never happen. We will need a full-scale revolt to rid ourselves of Trump, Pence and the GOP.

Wrong on every count. Go back to Stormfront.

Given all the shit being thrown Trump’s way, I doubt he can move on any specific members of his senior staff just based on them not supporting his racism.

You are underestimating the cluster fuck for the GOP that pulling Trump represents.

Nah, as you have heard from many GOP mouthpieces, all the GOP cares about is freeing the wealthy from the “burden” of high taxes, and allowing polluters and natural resource extractors to rape the earth without regulation. They know blowing out Trump now makes that agenda harder to achieve. No need for the pics of

Only a little????

because, quite simply for an idiot like you, communism is an ideology that had nothing to do with the atrocities you are trying to lay at its feet, whereas the Nazi ideology was at the core of the atrocities we would prefer not to occur in the US.

Nope they are not, and by saying this, I know you are a Nazi. Thanks for playing.

WRONG...the ACLU defends the right of anyone to march peaceably. Heavily armed Nazi’s hitting and killing people is not part of what the ACLU would defend.

It was Mussolini. Albeit Hitler probably made the concentration camp trains prompt as well.

Godwin’s law is revoked in periods where people are walking our streets waving swastika flags.

If *any* of your friends...FTFY

clubs knives and guns are a perfectly acceptable and rational response to nazis...if you come to california be ready to be murdered

you are a fucking idiot and a disgrace to humanity

Not to mention these assholes support the idea that gov’t should never limit their “freedom” including freedom to assault or murder their targets. They don’t deserve any legal protection.

No outing is not even close...not even remotely close...these assholes need to be shunned from society...refused jobs, refused service at restaurants...denied medical services...nothing bad that happens to them is enough.