Yeah he is going to be an asshole his whole life, like his douchebag entitled airheaded evil siblings. Might as well start getting the hits in early.
Yeah he is going to be an asshole his whole life, like his douchebag entitled airheaded evil siblings. Might as well start getting the hits in early.
Oh god lol...give it up already. Hogan didn’t suffer damages at all and it was just a witch hunt by Thiel and a bought and paid for judge.
And let’s not even think about the monstrous shit they say about President Obama (a/k/a our last real president) and his family.
In Trump’s America, only Trumps have free speech.
I feel batteried by all these puns.
We will ban free speech and abortion, but god forbid someone not being able to buy a fucking machine gun.
I would call the GOP spineless, but that would be an insult to invertebrates.
Actually it was lying under oath in testimony to Congress. The fact that the question posed should never have been permitted to be asked is usually forgotten.
You can only be impeached if you are a Democrat.
No way, Trump’s transition is way more normal than usual. It is the most normal transition in history!
Don’t tease.
No, I actually know it’s completely different. Foe example, in Turnip’s case, there are no “people.”
No it’s true, Obama and Hillary were ready to seize our guns and outlaw religion! Thank god we have President Pence to make Christian America great Again!
Yeah I think the key takeaway from this shit storm is NOT that President Obama was to blame YET AGAIN FOR THE MILLIONTH TIME.
Why do you assume what’s happening in there is no good?
Silly you, everyone knows the mexican is a pet of the all-mighty jew...who managed to steal the elec...oh ummmm...
Nah, they are like the bubble boys of politics, unwilling to listen, unable to think, incapable of change or growth.
It won’t splinter due to the core republican value of being a spineless slave to authority.
I’d rather see shit hit the fan very very hard right now. Just keep these loonies from ever having the launch codes (by loonies I mean trump and his gaggle of fuckwits, the stormfront nuts are at least consistent).