
So cute that you think anyone can do anything to help Trump not destroy America. Such a vivid imagination :)

No, I actually know it’s completely different. Foe example, in Turnip’s case, there are no “people.”

No it’s true, Obama and Hillary were ready to seize our guns and outlaw religion! Thank god we have President Pence to make Christian America great Again!

Yeah I think the key takeaway from this shit storm is NOT that President Obama was to blame YET AGAIN FOR THE MILLIONTH TIME.

Why do you assume what’s happening in there is no good?

Silly you, everyone knows the mexican is a pet of the all-mighty jew...who managed to steal the elec...oh ummmm...

Nah, they are like the bubble boys of politics, unwilling to listen, unable to think, incapable of change or growth.

It won’t splinter due to the core republican value of being a spineless slave to authority.

I’d rather see shit hit the fan very very hard right now. Just keep these loonies from ever having the launch codes (by loonies I mean trump and his gaggle of fuckwits, the stormfront nuts are at least consistent).

Where are my second-amendment people at?

he thinks if you didn’t vote for the winner, you are wrong

Actually it means that a lot of Americans are dumber than even the most pessimistic liberals thought they could be.

On behalf of the Goldfish community, please stop slandering Goldfish.

They really aren’t extremists or outliers in our new pussy-grabbing political reality. Anything goes under Trump.

Plot twist we are all in hell now.

Take a deep breath. OK, now give me a few examples.

Yeah travelgate was meaningless. Turnip is going to move cronies into his entire cabinet.

You are so off in your analysis, it’s laughable. The US has taxed US citizens on worldwide income since the inception of the US internal revenue code. FATCA is only a reporting and witholding mechanism that is in no way shape or form limiting US individuals’ access to foreign bank accounts.

You must be really limber after that streeeeetch.

Sentient???? I quit reading right there.