
And if I want to show up at a soldier’s funeral with “GOD HATES MURDERING SOLDIERS” then I assume that’s perfectly fine with everyone.

Liberals love it when republicans’ evil is exposed. Republicans love it when they can trip up liberals on a technical issue because they are fucking trolls.

Again, they are just bad as they look.

Christians don’t need help looking like assholes. As an atheist liberal I wish WBC and all its ilk would immediately cease existing.

I disagree.

If you truly have compassion, you are in the wrong party.

I am very very open minded, and I disagree 100% with your comment.

We call it the cold war.

OK I will is actually just a function of chemistry, but chemistry that exceeds our current technology to least on a time-scale that is observable.

Well given that god created life on a whim, we can certainly fuck with Titan right?

See this is a great example of a trump fan....

And anyone who thinks he won’t be China’s biggest butt-buddy if he wins is smoking crack, meth, heroin or all three. He doesn’t give a flipping fuck about america or americans, in fact I am sure he despises the dipshits that support him.

His anti-logic has at least two layers to it, and you see it in the comments sections here quite frequently. canonical example is “make america great again”. The first layer here is an invalid or at least grossly oversimplified assertion “America is not great”. Second layer is another invalid/oversimplified assertion

I love this headline.

I would have been offended too, that movie looks like shit.

And who the fuck wouldn’t be scared shitless in a car where a fucking computer was driving? Bugs, virii, etc. Driverless cars are decades from being safe enough to trust.

Spoken like a true dipshit.

What about all the people who had to suffer through smug VW owners and their bullshit about their high MPG? We should all get some of the VW money!

Or just JV with Tesla. The new Model D.

1. Buy all the VWs
2. Wait
3. PROFIT!!!!