
yeah only yours is full of shit.

All the guns you mentioned should be banned of course.

Bad examples.

I think most people are either stupid or deluded.

thanks for the logic fail

So funny how this groundless shibboleth still rattles around as innocents are murdered daily by legally acquired guns.

If by “better” you mean “useless as all fuck,” I agree.

Oh god there is nothing more satisfying then killing Mei...except for killing Tracer.

“My ultimate is charging (0%).”

Population control just got a new mascot.

Maybe it just senses where you wish you could look and shows you that. LOLOLOLOL

But when you see four hipsters with matching beards and flannel shirts it’s oh so hard not to laugh out loud.

yeah, why tat both...that’s just throwing away money

Given Ken Starr’s ability to make something out of nothing, it is funny he can also make nothing out of something.

Duh, that’s why open source is stupid for a phone OS.

It was obvious this would happen when google released android. Maybe the plan all along was to increase the suck to the point where google could roll out a new propriety OS.

Of course they can both be true. A man would never be painted by what his spouse had done while in office like Hillary is. A man would never be attacked for (gasp) supporting their husband when he is accused of something.

But of course those criticisms are weak.

I like playing because her butt is in a lot better shape than mine.

No you are.