
Sure if you actually had someone like that to point to.

No this story is that bernie fans are out of control and he is doing nothing to stop them.

Fuck I didn’t realize he had passed away :-(


Accidents happen.

100% agree...which is why I have mounted 50 cal machine guns on my house and have a grenade launcher in my backyard...come at me liberals!!!

Worth if they could just create a vape jammer...

Tag line: “This time they use a Firewall.”

It’s not American. Thanks for playing.

Hell a significant part of America still denies climate change, and the majority of people in the world honestly don’t give a fuck.

We are just to cheap and lazy to properly break the ship down. It’s never been a good idea to sink them.

You are confusing smart ways to reduce the pace of change with lunatic ideas that could drive the final nail in the coffin.

Your idea is too smart and too profit lacking to ever be implemented.


ahh should be versus will be

Please give any actual examples of “The majority of people who work hard and obey the law in America have been vilified for the last eight years and are rather sick of being forced to sit on their hands.”

Needed more loop.

Key architect...troll on brother.

If someone’s basic premise is you have failings (that they will call out in front of others) and you have to fix them and they are not a licensed therapist, you probably should move on.

hahahaha you said background check and tax driver