
The Trump campaign welcomes you.

Good on him...the question was bullshit and he nailed it.

Should add the ability to tunnel...

just you and ted cruz

oh fuck yes

It should have been kevin hart.

Dude, I have a bridge to sell’s made entirely out of air...but it’s there!

Mensa has its own tabloid, Scientific American:


I think we may have a VP candidate for Trump.

I have zero love for motorcycles on the road, but the BMW driver and his passenger are damn near 100% in the wrong here.

Or an asshole.

Or you already know...

Wow the hate is real.

Cops need to apply the twitter test. If that shit you just pulled will light twitter up, take a deep breath and move aren’t the defender of the universe.

Better to just pose the clothes without human involvement.

read it again slowly and you will get it

That’s already factored in.

Don’t try to walk this back...standing is standing...crouching is crouching...if you crouch you are like the green party...grow up and join one of the majors.

Think about the fecal matter you are flicking off onto yourself and the floor if you wipe while standing...totally fucking sick.

Yeah, anyway, you would have been a vocab-nazi, which grammar-nazis don’t associate with.