
For now they don’t.

A church is a building. The catholic church is a group of old white guys that enforce and interpret the bible as they see fit (albeit with the weight of historical old white guy decisions that they have to take into account).

This is a prophylactic measure.

There are no such commuters.

Ouch, that Bern’d.

sHill? Does it run Mountain Lion?

Right, so an abomination of a project (and this one too) is “justified” only through the distorted lens of history and national pride.

Givin’ Furby skills that the original was lackin’!

There is no statute of limitations...on MURDER!

When hordes of disillusioned 18-24 somethings stay home on general election day and Trump beats Hillary, that’s when we all get fucked, no OkCupid needed.

I can’t weight to hear more.

Take a hike, troll.

In America, our thunderstorms are packing serious heat!

He’s just another victim of Obama.

Carpet bombing is so 80s-chic. Everyone’s doing cement bombing now.

Can the LHC detect snark?

Thanks for confirming this is useless science since it won't lead to better gadgets.

If you thought Interstellar had solid science...I have a wormhole I'd like to sell you.

Long Dune Dong

Saw a guy who seemed stoned out of his mind with a CHP behind him for about 20 minutes trying to pull him over. By the time he stopped, there were a dozen cops behind him guns drawn, inviting him to step out and kiss the ground. Best bet is to leave your rural area and move to a more populated place.