
I don’t think it matters for crap, so can you validate why you think its so earth shattering?

There will and should be two different standards. For emergency driver assist/override, the standard should be do just about as good as any normal driver. This system can’t come soon enough, and should be mandatory as soon as practicable. There simply shouldn’t be broad use of autonomous vehicles until gaping holes in

The malfunctions will be literally fast and furious. Also, hackers.

Also, there is no reason to have driverless cars.

Next to brick, glass is about the dumbest thing you can use in a major earthquake zone.

My horse gets me from point A to point B, and it just costs me a little money for hay to feed it. These newfangled horseless carriages are just a novelty!

Imagine them with a surrounding blade.

  • Big ass battery grid...charge all day...discharge during peak early evening demand. Repeat 10000 times which is roughly 27 years means you are full of shit.

Actually home use goes up at night when everyone is watching TV and the sun is down.

WTF are you talking about?

As you move through it in real time and its not pre-mapped? Years (ok decades) away.

Sorry it's total BS. How does it know where to render shit busting through walls etc. On the fly 3d mapping? Nonsense x 1 billion.

What a profoundly stupid idea. No re-spawn is fine...make the person spend a day in stasis or whatev and then start over (with nothing) but perma-death is nuts.

He seems to forget most of the issues are caused by political intervention/meddling.

There you go again trying to short circuit the issue by alleging all freedom loving real Americans will agree with you. I am a progressive liberal, so I cringe at someone who says they are resorting to this kind of smear tactic. To answer your other question, I will ask you one, how do you believe the US can

100% yes to your first paragraph. FBI/CIA/NSA should never have been allowed to fragment. There should be one intelligence service that covers global anti-terror (along with other silos).

Sorry if you thought I was saying I felt personally at risk from terrorism...I don't. I also don't feel at risk of breast cancer, but I want breast cancer fought as hard as possible.

I love the "true Americans" slam...spoken like a true Republican. Also the "police state" strawman is excellent. If you want to debate what powers our intelligence services need to effectively combat domestic terrorism, or if you want to debate whether our existing services are capable or structured correctly,

And no one cared.

Disagree. The Mac wasn't simple, it was better. The iPhone wasn't simple, it was better, etc. Now, if you are talking about the user interface, the watch is pretty damn easy to use. If you are talking about the multitude of styles, realize it's a watch. You really think one style works for all is going to sell