
I think the point is the incidents that are described are not consistent with a broader detection pattern. In other words, a UFO that can avoid detection so easily doesn't just pop up to fuck with a few earthlings. You are proposing something like random UFO pilot fuck ups or equipment malfunctions with no rhyme or

Exactly why I group theological and extraterrestrial concerns in the same bucket (don't know, can't know, probably don't wanna know).

I am firmly in the camp of it was really a UFO, why Iran at that point in time and then why Morocco? I clearly can't disprove damn near anything that has ever happened but even this incident is not clear evidence.

Earth is the only place that humans will live in any meaningful number for the next 1000 years. I love science fiction, but it is fiction. We should be focusing all our earthly efforts on solving pollution, population, and mental health (including finding a cure for religion) prior to looking to the stars for shits

Suppose you could implant your mind into a computer and send the computer off to visit another species and that trip was going to take a multiple of your life span. Why the fuck bother?

No because our clear inability to organize and think big means we pose no threat to anyone. If we ever got to the point where we were advanced, organized and evil (because once we are organized it can only be good or evil), then such an advanced society could snuff us out and still sleep at night.

However, big foot, UFO, loch ness etc. Our desire to find "magic" is a holdover from when we believed in god and magic and all that shit. Once we are past that it's either show me the evidence or fuck off, and clearly UFOs are still well within the fuck off zone.

I think you are on to something. The species that would be most interested in "contacting" us would be someone sufficiently advanced to actually communicate, but not so advanced that we were just boring (think of a species that had already communicated with a dozen other species...we would just be meh).

Low odds x massive (almost infinite) rolls equals we are not alone. That much is guaranteed.

Since we are basically monkeys, we do not prioritize rational thought over emotion. Our attempts to communicate with other civilizations is laughable and ill-advised, but yet we persist because we are unable to see things other than in a completely self-centered and irrational way.

Solving the aging problem will destroy us as a civilization, unless it happens outside of any window any of us could ever care about (think 100 plus generations from now).

A quick thought experiment. Assume for the moment that:

Just remember, all Chinese phones come with built in spyware.

Wow your insights really add to the discussion. Snowden is a traitor, the NSA/fed gov't is incompetent, and no on is really discussing anything of value.

If something hasn't been built yet, can we use the future tense?

You ok with terrorists organizing to blow your family up, with the authorities having no power or ability to stop it?

Jail's too good for him.

Maybe rather than spouting paranoid phrases you actually said something concrete it would be helpful. We are currently locked in a struggle with a global pandemic (fanatical islam) and that pandemic doesn't adhere to traditional rules of fair play or organizational frameworks, so would love to hear your solutions for

And potato vodka is better.

$7M net worth, not rich. $7M liquid assets, rich.