
No they are fixated on relative status to an extreme, and relay on easy status indicators like an LV purse to show how successful they are (or more likely would like to be).

I am sure they would encourage it at this point.

Not to mention slave labor and zero regard for the environment.

I wouldn't have put it that way...if Manning/Snowden had revealed a CIA plot to commit criminal acts in the guise of fulfilling their legally mandated functions, then they would be whisteblowers. If they had revealed that the CIA/NSA were committing acts that were illegal in and of themselves, then they could still

And you met the number 2 most famous person from Bay City!

Hey that's from Adobe Pagemeowker!


Where the fuck is Bay City?

Not only back in the day but today. Whether you support Snowden Manning et al, they are not even close to being whistleblowers.

They are not whistleblowers, period.

Looks good. Lots of potential for add-on modules. would be great if it could piggy back on Amazon's wireless service so power being cut wouldn't knock it out.

"I just wouldn't go as far as to say that taking his life from him was an injustice."

Now that is quite a statement.

Well he was a murderer but you are right that the DA probably didn't have much of a case, unfortuntely.

Wanted to run away from a saber-toothed cat, but then I got high...

Yeah but why the crap can't I pay to stream fucking star wars!!!!

In a competitive economy a company would come along and actually provide a meaningful consolidation option that actually lowered your overall payments while making it easier to repay.

True but on the plus side it makes you easier to hit.

Since the investigative process will be principally politically driven, and there will be no real way to validate the information revealed, any hearings or committees as proposed will be a massive waste of time and air, and they will serve only to make the american people feel as though they know what is going on. If

All music today is mediocrity compared to Bach, Mozart et al. So in that sense our entire music experience is one big McDonalds. So get off the high horse and enjoy what you want and let others enjoy what they want without throwing around subjective labels.

Nope. It would not be possible to scale vector graphics on the fly, so the system doesn't try, it just magnifies.