
All that work to find WOT, and no one’s here.

Well, it depends who specifically said “we’ll do discovery.” I’ve worked for a few different content-focused sites and in precisely none of them does tech get to decide what projects get undertaken, although in the better ones, tech was given about 20% of the working hours to pick its own projects (mainly refactoring

I certainly don’t blame you.

OK. Here’s my next request:

I am a web-dev, and I’m only more baffled by this transition now.

Thanks! I mostly come here for TV recaps, often of older content. If that becomes difficult I am going to be very sad.

Well, nobody is ever going to see this because it’s a new comment so it’s going to become buried under 500 “Load more comments” clicks since Kinja is the worst commenting system on the Internet, but RIP The AV Club.

Top left corner of the page has a magnifying glass. Expect it to not work very well.

Yeah, that’s what’s making me sad right now. I assumed they’d just shove Kinja into the good looking shell of the AV Club, not transform it into a full-on Gawker site. Sigh.

Can’t even see review scores without clicking on a review!

Load more comments. Load more comments. Load more comments. Load more comments. Boy, this is fucking fun, huh?

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