
I saw mentions of Kinja but hadn’t been really been following the story. This.... is way worse than anything I could’ve imagined.

I was so blown away by this episode that I had to pause binging the second season. It weaves together so much: family, identity, pop culture, politics, the generation gap. The episode contains some of the funniest moments in the show's history but also some of the deepest. I was also surprised and very happy that

Gah, there has to be a third season. Just finished the Thanksgiving episode and was fighting tears, not because it's sad but because it packs so much into such a simple premise. I love the various directions that this show takes. I haven't been this moved by TV since the golden age of Louie a few years back.

Dammit, I just started watching the Good Wife and just hit season 4. I'm bummed to hear that it gets bad :( I suppose I'll just skip straight to checking this show out if I can't deal with the mediocrity of the later season episodes.

I've never laughed so hard while also pondering the sadness that is our future.

Totally, that motorik drumbeat used by so many fantastic bands from the '60s onward. He was definitely one of the best. RIP indeed.

That was a depressing read. R.I.P.

The Patrick story was beautiful. Although, I totally relate to his clumsiness and love of LaCroix so I might be biased.

High Maintenance does characters better than anything else going right now. Really wish this season was going to be more than 6 episodes long.

Excuse all the pun-age, but this really is some next level shit.

There were a couple of serious nods to Donnie Darko, so I was surprised to not see that listed.

No way Ser Pounce doesn't have PTSD. He's seen some shit. He's even been in the room while Tommen and Margaery engaged in congress in their marriage bed.

The Revenant was actually a lot funnier than The Martian.

Ants In My Eyes Johnson | Plumbuses

Haven't seen Red Eye but I'm adding it to my fall horror marathon thanks to you guys.

I remember seeing the first A Nightmare on Elm Street as nine-year-old and being scared as fuck. RIP

You guys are right, but it's still impressive to me that all of the real time action took place in the locked down house.

Hmmm, I don't have any good memories of you, so you must be real.

I shared Rick's affection for Pencil Vester.

On top of everything else this was a bottle episode minus the flashbacks.