Good to see so many Hollywood junkies lose their dealers phone numbers for a week so they look "refreshed" for this awards show. Special shout out to Zac "Crack Attack" Efron and Rihanna "the Roll-up queen" for giving rehab realness.
Good to see so many Hollywood junkies lose their dealers phone numbers for a week so they look "refreshed" for this awards show. Special shout out to Zac "Crack Attack" Efron and Rihanna "the Roll-up queen" for giving rehab realness.
Like I wrote, he basic. And that's fine. More power to him. There's a billion basic bitches out there ready to see him basic ass movies like this and celebrate their basic-ness.
It makes me mad because no one has zits or makes unfortunate clothing choices based on a desire to look like somebody famous without the necessary budget or body shape. THAT'S high school.
Sherlock's O-face , as interpreted by the estimable Mr. Cumberbatch, for the win!
I can't decide if Ansel Elgort is attractive or just another skinny basic white boy impersonating attractive.
This isn't about the kids, usually. You do have a subset of kids who are naturally high achieving, ambitious, Type A personalities who thrive under stress. But not most kids.
I don't care if its hurtful. They and the school and the entire community need to be hurt so they'll wake the fuck up and stop using kids to fufill their egos, dreams, or economic models.
"Before the note however, Chen's family says he exhibited little signs of high risk behavior before his death and, like the other Woodson kids who took their own lives, he earned good grades, had a stable family and excelled at sports."
Normally overweight. Loose clothing. No close friends or families to see her go through the changes. You'd be surprised what people don't see in plain sight if they don't want to or care to.
But follow them up with a farmer or blue-collar factory worker. You'll need the fiber.
Maria, Consuela, Basia, and Solange. Those are their nannies and maids names.
"Now if y0u'll excuse me, I have to try to make love to my wife in our tent, give up impotently, and drink shamefacedly for the rest of the night while she gets banged by the guide we hired."
"European fashion" IS considered distinct from "American" or "Indian" fashion, for example, all without needing to break down with precision how Roman is different from NYC or Milanese is different from LA or whatever. It's shorthand. Nothing more.
Trying to annex the bootylicious.
I can't be the only person who gets peckish after banging. This is a godsend. You can get your groove on and not have to suffer being bored with your date after you're done. Take care of business, munch on your corsage, and get dropped off back at home before he has a chance to get sloppy and tell you about his…
Woodstock? Is a pimp, yo! He wets his OWN beak.