
He LIKES to wear female-identified attire. He's not PAID to do it. So I don't blame him. He made a choice to work in Hollywood and did what he had to get what he wanted. I like and appreciate when people make choices that don't affect or hurt me.


Welfare addicts.

What "classism"? What "country club"? They had Rihanna on the cover. And a slew of actresses better known for their private lives than talent, e.g. Sienna Miller.

Hey, it's no problem because...Europe! In Europe, No1Curr. Europe has no racism. EVERYONE knows that! It's an HOMAGE. Well...a FEMMAGE.

And you're a pedophile admirer/defender. Beat it, Short Eyes.

Oooh! But they're so good when watching TV or just as a snack anytime!

" one is entitled to have a child simply by right of their existence."

I give women (well, anybody) who choose to do it alone AND raise decent good kids in a loving supportive environment major props.

Actually, it kind of is. We've only just come around fully to the idea of single women having kids on their own without a partner. For men who are single and want families, it isn't so simple. That's not, to me, an MRA argument. Unless someone is trying to say that women shouldn't be able to do it since men pretty

I mean, does anyone really care that isn't concern-trolling or being self-righteous? I think it's stupid to do but then it's not about me and as long as I don't have to pay for someone's decision to conceive, unless there's a wave of unfit single mothers ruining our society, why should I care what other people do with

Having kids is inherently selfish. With or without a partner. And you had two parents and look how self-righteous, judgemental and ignorant you've turned out.

Bitches be getting pregnant. And shopping.

Can you handle all the dong? Much of it foreign and cheesy? And the thong budget could CRIPPLE you.

You just know she was DTF Johnny Ray and Frank Sinatra.

Fuck off, Beryl. Your grandaughter's gonna dine out on that story for YEARS. She's not unhappy about any of this stuff.

Dude has full on crazy eyes. Full on.

Oh, HELL naw.