Don’t they know Ohio won the war?
Don’t they know Ohio won the war?
I love how you describe subtly trying to make the lives of people stressful and awful by baiting them. It almost makes me think you’re an asshole. You having worked in collections confirms it.
I honestly thought the cover was a photoshopped troll job...holy shit it is real.
It’s a slow burn threat. You’re on the list mister.
I’m making note of your screen name so when you complain about the cold or snow I can reciprocate.
The troops are just the human shield used to derail the actual subject of the protest.
The flag should never be carried flat or horizontally, but always aloft and free.
I think we need a definitive ranking of the whitest sports - hockey, lacrosse, tennis, golf, polo, NASCAR, dressage, cycling, etc
Myself, I eschew bottles, preferring to breast feed.
The issue is that not all communists are/were genocidal white supremacists. All communists aren’t/weren’t evil. Also, the iconography associated with communism isn’t strictly associated with evil and murder. Nazism is/was pure evil down to the core of the belief system. Nazi symbols are always associated with…
It’s so common sensical that it is destined not to be implemented ever.
I approve of any user named chosen while hammered.
I’m a 9th grade teacher. The first day of school when they say “please stand fot the pledge of allegiance” I ask them why they automatically stand and mindlessly repeat something because someone over a loudspeaker asked them to. Then I tell them they don’t have to stand; they can sit quietly if they want and no one…
I know you’re just a stupid troll, but what th hell...“Based solely on confessions that they said were coerced and false, and despite the fact that DNA tests on the rape kit excluded them as the source, they were convicted in 1990 by juries in two separate trials”
Totally off topic, but I’ve seen your user name a couple times and it always makes me wonder...I like kat’s what? Smile? Personality? Ability to turn a phrase? I must know, what is you like about kat?
Also, check out Trump’s miniature fidget spinners...
Impressive breakdown!
If I hadn’t binge watched the first season I couldn’t have finished it. Some episodes were sooooo boring that if there had been a week’s wait in between episodes I never would have watched more. As it was I barely kept at it after some of the more tedious episodes.
Who can forget (or forgive) this classic If the South Woulda Won
Honestly I generally don’t like cops - mostly because I’ve been privy to the private talk of some of our police liasons at school and was horrified by some of the things they say when it is just pals around - but if more cops were like you I would have a much better overall feeling.