Dbacks pitcher hit Pirates batter in the top of the inning. Pirates retaliate by hitting the Dbacks leadoff hitter in the bottom of the inning.
Dbacks pitcher hit Pirates batter in the top of the inning. Pirates retaliate by hitting the Dbacks leadoff hitter in the bottom of the inning.
I legitimately don’t understand what the hell a hitter is supposed to do if not try to hit the ball. Even if it was 15-0, it’d be absurd for Arizona to just have all of their guys stand there and take strikes for the next two innings.
Cats don’t do that because they’re cruel torturers; they do it to wear their prey down to make an easy kill with minimal risk to their own safety
That’s fine, but concerns about a child’s welfare should be handled tactfully through a phone call or an arranged meeting; not through online mockery.
The Good Place is the one current blaring exception. Superstore is solid too...
It’ll still be a shitty show. Honestly I can’t think of a single tv show on ABC, NBC or CBS that’s worth anyone’s time.
Not just pointing where he came from, but following him perfectly.
OK, I don’t want to be a downer here but that is pretty convenient that he just made it in time. Didn’t anyone else thing this might have been staged? I envision actual pilot controlling drone off screen somewhere doing a well timed descent so that you could catch the drama. Yay, more clicks on youtube...
He’s really lucky the camera was facing the direction he swam from. Really lucky, if you ask me.
not to mention a dead fish
Why do lawyers insist on using those black highlighters?
It’s actually not a huge problem. I’m sure there are bad parents with loud kids out there, but most children are well-behaved enough for the category of restaurant.
Your kids sound like assholes.
I really like John Goodman, Laurie Metcalf, Wanda Sykes, et al, but fuck them for trying to pretend they didn’t know Roseanne Barr is a racist piece of shit. I’m glad they lost their jobs and fuck the idea of “The Connor Family” or whatever other bullshit people are suggesting. I’ll be happy to see the have other…
Wow, it’s almost as if you’ve never heard of cops searching a vehicle’s plates, which brings up identification and photos of the registered owner. Cops don’t even have to be conscious of their bias for them having just seen a picture of the owner and having that image affect their decision-making process.
Psh. Couple years ago I got stopped in a “blue light special” on I-5—state troops were “clocking people via airplane” and stopped half a dozen other cars that I saw in the half hour I was on the road.
Because all of us know when a taillight is out when we’re driving. Not that a cop won’t find one of a dozen other reasons to pull a person of color over. Seriously, do you even live in America? I suppose you think athletes are kneeling because they hate the troops.
Sure, comparing someone of a different ethnicity to a sub-human species isn’t racist. Right you are buck-o.
No it wasn’t, and you just proved yourself to have the intelligence of a gnat if you think it was.