
When election day nears, make sure you tell him the wrong date, because otherwise you know who he’s going to vote for. Or at least send him to the wrong polling station. 

Meh. Not really that spectacular. I can get better rates on Hotwire and I’m not paying a fee. But, not a bad idea/service.

This has been happening for plenty of election cycles - at least since the ‘80's when Bush was running for reelection and probably earlier. It’s called WAM - walking around money. An operative from the campaign goes to a community leader, like a pastor of a large congregation, and asks him to tell his congregation the

Have a fitness tracker called MyZone that I wear around my chest. It has a propitiatory algorithm that gives me a MEPS score based on the length of time my heart rate is within a certain zone. (i.e. Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Gray Black - in descending order of BPM). I wear it to my HIIT class and it give me a score.

Years ago I applied for a job at a publishing firm or marketing firm (can’t remember) and the interview went well until the HR person said I needed to take a typing test just down the hall. This was back in the IBM Selectric III days. I said sure, but I need to use the rest room first. So I left the room went down the

Using a kettlebell or weight is a good counterbalance, takes the stress off the knees. 

5G? faster than when you upgraded from a modem to DSL back in the Clinton administration. But the signal is at such a high frequency that it only travels a short distance and it is easily blocked by any opaque surface - like concrete or wood. Plus 5G is in the same frequency as broadcast TV so many local television

Oversharing is one of those things that needs professional help to overcome. I don’t know where I read that, but I’m sure it’s a real thing.

and it flies out of you like cannon? 

I love the Workers Paradise, comrade. See you at the next “Wobbly” meeting.

I always make that mistake and rarely proof before sending. We Windows people are semi-literate.  

If I can go w/out buying and/or drinking booze in a month - it’s a miracle. I have a birthday in January and two social events (opera and cabaret performance) scheduled.    

Cover their pensions since the company they worked for ran off with all the money. Send their children to school, pay for their tuition in college and incentivize them to focus on STEM. It’ll cost a hell of lot less then those fucking aircraft carriers the GOP wants to build.  

I whish there was a way to completely remove the proprietary apps that Verizon and Samsung place on the phone. I know you can disable them, but they still suck up space on the internal hard drive.  

Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good (or least shitty)

So you’re a member of the Cult of the Macintosh? I should of known.

asking me things like if I really thought that people running marathons don’t need ANY water

It’s not a bad idea (and easy to accomplish) to drink a gallon of water over a 8-10 period. Since most of us don’t drink a gallon every day, you’ll end up taking a whizz every 10 minutes about 1-2 hours after you start drinking which can disrupt your daily activities. But, if men drink a gallon of water over the

You’ve always been the caretaker, Mr. Torrance.” 

For the same reason you need to upgrade your rotary dial phone to touch tone and Windows 7 OS to Windows 10. Hop to it, and don’t ask a lot of questions.