
Coffee. Lots of coffee.

Reminds me of the old Gravely tractors. My uncle had a walk-behind mower/brush-hog with a sulky. It’s the same basic idea - an engine with wheels plus a variety of attachments.

This fellow thinks your little toy truck is “cute.”

Those are real arrow points. That bottom one is meant for decapitating turkeys. You make a little noise to get them to lift their head up high then let the arrow fly. 

I had a 2018 Maxima for a rental for a couple of months last year. I have to admit, I was surprised to discover that it has a CVT. It was so much better than the CVT in our Outback. It rarely hunted for the proper gear ratio and didn’t suffer any kick-down hesitation like an auto does when you step hard on the gas. It

“Instead, they found dozens of glass beads inside of fossilized clams, most of them inside fossils of Mercenaria campechiensis, also known as southern quahogs. These particles were very small, measuring around 200 micrometers in diameter.” 

Average grain of salt is 300 microns, so smaller than a grain of salt.

Only if your hair is super thick. It’s about four times thicker than the average hair.

You may be an archer, but you clearly missed a part of the sport. I’m talking about this:

I played minecraft with my kids when they were younger. After learning the basics and spending time building a good-sized village, my son turned into a little turd and started griefing both his sister and I. I ended up moving my base far, far away and hiding it so he couldn’t steal all of my supplies. His sister just

Author Dennis Taylor explores these ideas in his books. His character starts as a cryogenically preserved head which is then revived as an A.I. Hilarity follows.

“ cylinders may share the same displacement...”

So if I take the bottom out of this glass and I keep refilling the water or the wine, you won’t know when to stop drinking. That’s what happens with infinitely scrolling feeds.”

Has anyone from Chevy actually driven one of their trucks? I’ve been stuck with a rental Silverado for the last month and I can say it’s the least comfortable of the big 3. Hey, Enterprise, any chance I can get an F-150 again?

My first job after getting my Ph.D. was a tenure-track position at a state university. Nearly three years later, I could see how limited my future would be if I stayed in the academic system. I couldn’t even pay my student loans, much less live the American Dream.

Interesting timing. I took this picture of a Corvair truck just yesterday:

I was taught that one of the reasons for keeping imperial units for distance is divisibility. Converting 12 inches into halves, thirds, quarters, etc. is relatively easy and can be done by counting on the fingers/knuckles of one hand. It’s a base-12 system and it makes fractional counting a lot easier.

I’m glad I browsed the comments before posting the same thing. I might have been sued for copying the same information. 

I’ve done my best as a father to be a good example for my kids. I went practical at first with my truck.

It’s not likely they will fly that fast. Even small racing quads are working hard to break 100mph.