Has anyone from Chevy actually driven one of their trucks? I’ve been stuck with a rental Silverado for the last month and I can say it’s the least comfortable of the big 3. Hey, Enterprise, any chance I can get an F-150 again?
Has anyone from Chevy actually driven one of their trucks? I’ve been stuck with a rental Silverado for the last month and I can say it’s the least comfortable of the big 3. Hey, Enterprise, any chance I can get an F-150 again?
My first job after getting my Ph.D. was a tenure-track position at a state university. Nearly three years later, I could see how limited my future would be if I stayed in the academic system. I couldn’t even pay my student loans, much less live the American Dream.
I hate mud. When my mom bought five acres of land for us to live on, she didn’t have the cash for a proper driveway. We used the dirt path cut through the trees for the power lines as a makeshift driveway to get to our house on the back of the property. Every time it rained, that path was 150 feet of pure mud with a…
You are correct, but you are also wrong. All GPS uses trilateration, not triangulation, to calculate your position.
And that’s why I bought the WRX instead of the STi. The STi I drove were teeth rattling. The one with the after market suspension was designed to cause spinal fractures.
Yes, but as a writer, your entire livelihood is based on one simple fact: words have meaning. When you ignore the meaning of words, you become a hack and might as well be replaced by a room full of monkeys.
It’s all about being “disconnected“ from the ground. Once the connection is lost, the fear goes away.
Many of the cars in the U.S. that are wrecked or traded in and sold at auction end up in Mexico. We see them in Texas on their way south.
Louisiana inspection was what eventually did my truck in. The problem? A cracked windshield. It was long, but it was a single crack. My wife wasn’t willing to put in another $400 for a new windshield in a truck worth $500, so I ended up with a new car.
We used the same mattresses for many years and many campouts. Granted, we weren’t camping in the desert and we always set up our tents with a tarp underneath to prevent floor damage.
We own a cot and I’ve slept on both. I prefer the mattress, but the cot will do in a pinch.
The air mattress is spot-on advice. As a former cub scout leader, I can tell you that only the kids slept on the ground. During one particularly wet family campout, one of our den parents set up his tent in the wrong spot. He awoke floating on his air mattress in a lake of water which had filled in the area.
If your goal is purity of purpose, it’s hard to beat the SUB G-1.
For all the folks bemoaning the lack of BRRRRRTTTTT, keep in mind that the ARES was designed to include the 25mm GAU-12/U Gatling gun. The gun was successfully tested with no reported problems in the composite airframe. There’s no reason the new airframe couldn’t utilize the same weapon.