
We used the same mattresses for many years and many campouts. Granted, we weren’t camping in the desert and we always set up our tents with a tarp underneath to prevent floor damage.

We own a cot and I’ve slept on both. I prefer the mattress, but the cot will do in a pinch.

The air mattress is spot-on advice. As a former cub scout leader, I can tell you that only the kids slept on the ground. During one particularly wet family campout, one of our den parents set up his tent in the wrong spot. He awoke floating on his air mattress in a lake of water which had filled in the area.

Thanks for the star.

I think you’re assuming the blades are spinning. Missiles don’t spin for stability like an arrow or a bullet. They have small fins to provide directional control. Spinning would make them really hard to control.

When a bunch of kids are splashing around all day, the evaporation rate increases dramatically. That can affect both pH and total chlorine.

They are also ignoring the impact of clientele. When I was cleaning pools for a living, I could always tell when they had a pool party over the weekend. There can be massive changes in the chlorine levels and the pH after a large group of people had been in the pool, especially if it was a bunch of small kids.

As others have pointed out, when the engine in this new design fails, the aircraft is uncontrollable. The problem is that more than one component could cause an engine failure. It could be electrical, it could be the fuel system, or it could be the engine itself.

Now you’re changing your argument - what was, “Many crashes are attributed to ailerons failing...” has now become, “It’s almost always this one device that moves something. 


If your goal is purity of purpose, it’s hard to beat the SUB G-1.

You are now part of the permanent seismological record.

But then the actors wouldn’t fit into the body suits.

But without pictures....

We already know the answer to that.

It’s hard for a roof rack to compete with a trailer, whether a custom rig like my friend’s kayak trailer or a more generic trailer with accessories added.

For all the folks bemoaning the lack of BRRRRRTTTTT, keep in mind that the ARES was designed to include the 25mm GAU-12/U Gatling gun. The gun was successfully tested with no reported problems in the composite airframe. There’s no reason the new airframe couldn’t utilize the same weapon.

Now playing

Exactly what I was thinking. There’s also the similar phenomenon of sand boils which occur during flooding events, especially in areas where the flood waters are constrained by levees, creating a high pressure differential.

Concrete plants should have a plan, but it never surprises me when someone doesn’t have a plan for when things go wrong. That’s one reason our contracts have become bigger and more detailed. They have to include details about their contingency plans for when things go wrong.

If the load doesn’t meet spec (too hot, too thick, too runny, etc.), then the recipient can reject the load and the supplier has to figure out what to do with a truck full of concrete. I’d bet there was a project nearby where the supplier sent a bunch of trucks that were out of spec.