
If the “drone” is designed properly, no amount of jamming will shut it down. With a proper GPS-enabled auto-pilot, these things can be programmed to take off, fly a pattern until the batteries run low, then return home. Some of the VTOL airplane designs can loiter for an hour with a full payload and that can be

I guess some people are more sensitive than others. 

OH! I now have a severe case of the heeby-jeebies!

A friend of mine fell asleep wearing his contacts and woke up the next morning with one missing. He couldn’t find it anywhere, so he assumed it was lost. One morning a couple of years later he awoke with a lens in one of his eyes. He couldn’t figure out how he had managed to go to bed with one lens in. He discovered

It could be bad.

Are you kidding? Texans put on winter coats for anything below 60° F.

And you’re still 7 times more likely to die in an accident than by suicide by firearm; 11 times more likely to die in an accident than by homicide by firearm. A full 24% of those accidental deaths are caused by car crashes and 36% are caused by accidental poisoning (think prescription overdose).

You need to move south. Rust just isn’t an issue down here.

When Subaru announced there would be no 2015 WRX Hatchback, I immediately started looking for a 2014. I had to travel an hour away to get it, but I bought the last available 2014 in the state.

Thank God for restaurants which remain open on holidays. This year we were traveling on Thanksgiving. My wife’s cousin hosted Thanksgiving dinner for us and several other families. To make it easier, she hired a caterer.

If SUVs were built more like trucks (like they used to be), the problem could be easily solved.

By the placement of the three wires, one ground and one leaf on each side, I’m guessing it’s more of an on/off switch for each side. It’s possible that it could be sensitive to signal strength and roll toward the bright side when it hits a minimum threshold and stops when the signal gets too strong. That’s pure

I had the same question. Then I realized that the robot is probably only picking up the “go” signal from the plant. They probably programmed in a movement limit either by putting a distance sensor on the robot or, more simply, limit the number of rotations of the wheels. Both of these are familiar to any 6th grader

I never thought of mitigating suicide risk by changing the packaging. I suppose if you lack the motivation to go on living you also lack the motivation to fight with a blister pack.

I just went through oral implant surgery. The dentist recommended alternating between ibuprofen and acetaminophen every three hours. He cited a study which found this combination is more effective than opioids. It was effective for me.

The glider is controlled by shifting the weight of the pilot/passenger relative to the control frame. With the passenger hanging on to both the pilot and the control frame, he was effectively locking the two together, making it really hard to control the glider. It would be like the passenger in your car grabbing the

This plane cruises at just over 200 mph. The pilot overshot by 29 miles, so that’s 8 minutes. I’m sure he was asleep longer than 8 minutes, but really, he only overslept by about 8 minutes. :)

The plane in question is a Navajo Chieftan which was built by Piper and owned by a company which uses it for cargo transport, making it a commercial aircraft, not a private aircraft. Size has nothing to do with ownership or use.