
If you are having trouble finding it or you don’t have the client set up, go the website, log in, click on your name, click on “Gifts”, and you will find Destiny 2 as one of your gifts. Click “Claim” to get it.

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Given how many fireworks displays Disney puts on every year, perhaps they could contract with Heavenly Stars. Haven’t heard of them? They’ll put your ashes into fireworks which could then be incorporated into one of the Disney displays. Depending on the wind, you could end up all over Disney!

Scientists will find that the only option for “revival” will be destructive scanning of the brain and upload into a neural network. Persons surviving the process will wake to discover they are the new AI for a fleet of “autonomous” garbage trucks. Or a starship. One never knows.

I looked it up. The burn is caused by a chemical similar to the active ingredient in black pepper. There’s a protein in the venom that can cause an allergic reaction and for people who are sensitive, a single sting can cause anaphylactic shock. The third problem is bacterial infection at the injection site.

I have no reason to doubt my uncle. He likes to tell that story whenever someone doesn’t want to wear their seatbelt.

And now it’s story time. My uncle is a police officer and was called out to work a single-vehicle accident at a rural intersection. Being in Houston, the area is really flat. There was nothing but fields on all four corners. The car was upside-down in the ditch. By the time my uncle arrived, the driver had been pulled

A hole or a camera?

People like to parallel park halfway onto my lawn. I’ve had several nasty conversations over the years.

House centipedes? I wonder how they stack up against scorpions. We would get those in the house when I lived in Oklahoma.

I found a bullet hole in our roof. The round is probably somewhere hiding in the blow-in insulation in our attic. The angle was fairly shallow, so I’m sure it was a round intended for the house behind us. As far as we can tell, that guy is a dealer.

Fair point. I didn’t catch it within the five-minute post editing window.

Ah, let’s go back to your original post:

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It’s perfectly safe to fire into the air with the appropriate ammunition. The same shot that will take down a bird will also take down a UAS. Hunters have been using bird shot for hundreds of years. Even at short range, it’s hard to kill someone with bird shot.

Stabilators were in use on French and German aircraft long before supersonic flight was achieved.

When your wife borrows your truck, doesn’t check the brake fluid before driving it (it has a slow leak), lets it get low enough to disable the ABS, then ends up doing donuts when she slams the brakes on a wet road. Fortunately, nobody was hurt, but that was the end of the line for the old truck. What was once going to

If you can’t smell it for some reason, you could always use a spray bottle with some soapy water. If you get bubbles, you have a leak. 

After my truck died, transporting propane and gas cans were my main arguments for getting a hitch basket. Now that our Explorer is gone and the Outback’s hitch is too small for the basket, I break out the trailer to go get fuel. It’s just safer that way. 

“Plane” Jane?