
I cut my teeth on first-person shooters. After years of playing, I just can’t get my eyes to stop looking in the wrong place in this third-person view. End result - the only people I manage to kill are newbies who just stand still.

Loft bed with a futon underneath, a big stereo, and an aquarium - everybody loves an aquarium.

Thanks for the hat tip, Rob.

Your correction would be more effective if you understood the difference between “your” and “you’re”.

“I wouldn’t use it as a full-time standing desk—you’d want your screen to be at eye level for that.... 

“I wouldn’t use it as a full-time standing desk—you’d want your screen to be at eye level for that.... 

I had a rental Challenger. They called me last week and asked for their car back because of the recall. I had a sad face.

My hispanic wife just watched it. The woman was the driver’s mother. My wife tells me the last thing the mom says is “I told you to take out the garbage.”

Kudos to the first girl. Her “holy crap” was perfectly on beat. She should consider changing careers and become a backup singer.

I can’t believe she actually has her sandal in her hand. My wife’s hispanic and we always joke about her breaking out the chanclas, but she’s never actually pulled off her shoe!

Two months after my daughter was born, my in-laws INSISTED that we must come to their house for Christmas. It’s a fairly tolerable five-hour drive which we made every couple of months. No big deal, right? On the way down, I played it smart by loading the car the night before. We left the house the next morning at

And if it was purchased Friday, there’s a good chance he didn’t have insurance. It happens all the time at my uncle’s agency. Dude buys his first supercar on Friday or Saturday and assumes his insurance covers his new car because in many states, you have 30 days to add your new car to your policy. Come Monday, he

You made an assumption (that I didn’t read everything), then expressed an opinion (that I criticized the author). I did read everything in the article (as evidenced by my other comment which you didn’t read) and I made a wish (as clearly stated in my post). It’s a fact (which I acknowledged in another comment which

Maybe read the rest of the comments and pay attention to the stars. Your opinion seems to be in the minority here.

Well fix it! Granted, you did put the distance in the header, but this is such a glaring omission, I would think you would at least put it in the image description. This keeps your readers from having to scroll up/down to get all the information.

I wish you guys would fix your infographics. You put a lot of time and effort into them only to leave one KEY piece of information off - the distance Pastrani jumped.

All you have to do is figure out the car’s true name, befriend it, show it some love with a partial restoration, then say to it, “Show me.”

I’ve always been a fan of cool, but subtle stripes and graphics.

Here ya go.

It is impossible to park next to me.” 

This is the only solution.