
This can also be done for different kinds of alerts - texts, email, emergency, etc. I find this super-handy when working in groups where everyone has placed their phones on the same table. I instantly know if it’s my phone by the triple buzz. Everyone else is using a single buzz, so they all pick up their phones when

Now we know where they got the idea for Aunt Fanny.

Nope. When I was little, Speed Racer was my hero. Back then he was “Ghosty Racer” to me since I was too little to clearly understand the lyrics to the song and hadn’t yet learned how to read. My Hot Wheels Mach 5 was my most cherished possession, even if it didn’t exactly match the cartoon.

Even if there wasn’t a mine, every island has a cave. They have to put the jail somewhere.

That advice made it into the USACE safety regulations after one of their trucks caught fire and burned to the ground. 

A friend of mine was pulled over for speeding on a rural Oklahoma highway. The cop told him he was spotted by plane. While they were standing there, an identical car blew past them on the highway. The cop wouldn’t listen to his pleas and wrote him the ticket anyway. The judge didn’t listen either. He ended up paying

It was a very late Friday night after a football game and I was heading to grandma’s house for the weekend to celebrate a birthday. It was an hour drive, so my mom went over earlier in the evening and told me to meet her there. The party was Saturday morning.

My mother thought she was on the college track until one fateful day the fall semester of her senior year. She started talking about applying to college and her parent shut her down. Grandpa only had enough money to send one child to college and that was going to be his first son. She had to scramble to rearrange her

I feel your dad’s pain. I owned an ‘83 B2000. I was annoyed by all the Ford markings....

I guess I’m part of the other half. Turbo Manual Wagon (arguably a hatchback, but whatever). It isn’t brown, but they don’t sell it that way.

As an office drone, I parked my butt in an Aeron chair for years. Hands down, this is the best chair my butt has every experienced.

Maybe if you think it quickly and installed good defensive turrets, there wouldn’t be much they could do. :)

I think that wouldn’t work. The language specifies “a” vehicle. That means one vehicle, regardless of size.

They’d get you in one of several ways: exceeding the maximum length requirement; exceeding the maximum square footage requirement; being outside the rear 40 foot requirement; being too close to a building; or having two vehicles on a trailer. That last one is tricky. The language specifies “a” vehicle on a trailer,

In a residential lot, it probably wouldn’t be allowed. They have setback and yard requirements that design might not meet.

We have some neighbors with a lot of teenage kids and their parking situation is a lot like your first post. More people in our area use that side yard to park their boats than extra cars. In fact, here’s my neighbor’s house:

And the plot thickens! They are sticklers about defining what is a driveway and what is a parking area. Basically, a driveway can lead to a parking area and in residential areas cars may park there temporarily. Parking areas are restricted to the back of 40-feet or 20% of the lot, keeping people from calling the

They also restrict RVs, trailers, and vehicles on trailers:

The local business report recently did a story about noisy restaurants. They found the noise levels reaching over 90 decibels in some places. That’s as loud as a lawn mower. Imagine sitting down to dinner with a running lawn mower next to the table.

Same kind of problem happens after flood events. Flood water finds its way into a crack, then finds a way to escape from under the road, taking the sub-structure with it. Heavy vehicles driving over a saturated road can also force the water back out of the crack, carrying fine materials with it. Both situations result