*pssst* the name’s Buck.... :)
*pssst* um, no. Rainwater is from evaporated seawater. The evaporation process leaves the salt behind.
Flooding during hurricanes typically involves storm surge and rainwater, but in this case, the vast majority of the flooding was due to rainwater, not storm surge. There was very little salt water involved.
The flooding was entirely rainwater, not storm surge. There was no salt water involved.
*pssst* the flooding was caused by rainwater, not storm surge.
The problem is the probability of becoming a top-tier gamer. I went through the numbers with a student of mine who had NFL aspirations. The probabilities for making it in the NFL aren’t good and I expect the numbers for e-sports to be even worse. This signs sums it up nicely:
5,280 feet. Most airlines cruise at 30,000+ feet, so it should be called the Miles High club.
“Based on his likes/subscriber growth, those who don’t are in the minority.”
It wasn’t quite as dramatic with my kids. My daughter must have been hanging on to something. It took two and a half days for her to make her appearance. My son, our second, took only a few hours.
That’s not always true. My sister-in-law was born less than an hour after her mother started having contractions. It was fortunate that they lived less than 15 minutes from the hospital.
Rear seat access to the bed, of course! When I was a kid, my grandfather had a camper shell on his Chevy. The back glass was removed from the cab and there was a boot between the shell and the cab, granting us full crawl-through access to the cab. This was back when seat belts were optional. We took that truck on lots…
We recently had a PoGo player come over to Ingress and he’s spending ALL of his time playing the game. Literally. He starts hitting portals around lunch and plays continuously until 2 or 3 AM. He approached me when I was taking down one of his “home” portals and I found out a bit more. He is in his third year of his…
My son and I play several games together. Early on, he relished every opportunity to kill his dear old dad. It was only after many lessons on retribution that he finally realized it was better to team up with dad and kill the other guys. :)
Or you could avoid both sewing and knots and just use two socks like I suggested.....
If you don’t have a microwaveable bean bag, you can make one with an athletic sock and some rice. Just fill the sock with rice and sew up the end. If you don’t sew, then a pair of socks will work. Fill one sock with rice, then put the filled sock inside the other sock with the open end toward the toe of the second sock…
There are several local shops that specialize in lifting Jeeps. I think the silliest mod I’ve seen is pink camo. I understand that some girls like the outdoors, but what are they trying to say with that stuff? Even though I grew up in the country, I still refuse to wear camo outside of a hunting scenario. Putting in…