
There’s no place that isn’t at risk for something, whether it be flood or fire or tornado or earthquake or landslide. When you do find a place that has minimal risk, it’s far away from food or water or transportation. Remember that we settled much this world when water was the primary method for transporting large

Consider the usage. We aren’t sitting around listening to music on for music’s sake. Ours is only on when we need a little background music (low volume) like on board game night, or when we need a little MORE background music (high volume) like when we are cleaning or cooking. For these activities, the sound quality

“Among earthly life forms, the most alien, to my mind, are insects. “

The way that guy reached out and grabbed the blade while someone else was in control of the sword made it clear he has no business playing with “knives.” At least the sword he’s playing with isn’t sharp. If it were, he’d have a bloody thumb.

I work for an engineering firm which does a lot of post-disaster assessment work. My house was flooded during Allison and we lived through the aftermath of Gustav, Ike, and the unnamed storm that flooded the greater Baton Rouge area last year. I also spent a lot of time in New York after Sandy stopped by.

My wife was involved in the revitalization of the med center after Allison. Back then, all of the emergency power generators were located in the basements. After the flooding during Allison, everything was relocated to the third floors.

If you’re blue and you don’t know where to go to, why don’t you go where fashion sits? Puttin’ on the Ritz...

“If the temperature is high enough close to the core (some calculations predict that) it could also be ‘oceans of liquid carbon’ with gigantic ‘diamond icebergs, swimming on top of it,” said Kraus.

Just because this one dispenser doesn’t dispense doesn’t mean all the dispensers don’t dispense. (Say that 10 times fast.)

Got video? I’d like to see you hit a moving target with a slingshot. I know that I can’t do it!

Not much different than standard shot. Flechettes have more penetrating power and slightly more range (perhaps 100 yards), but fewer can be packed into a single shell, reducing the chance of hitting the target. Let’s not forget that the aircraft are moving quickly and are very agile.

Now playing

R/C aircraft are exceedingly difficult to shoot down without the right equipment. Just ask these guys:

My truck started running really rough, but it wasn’t throwing any codes. I discovered that the air duct from the MAF to the intake had cracked and was letting air into the system.

Maybe you should consider a different haircut.

Somehow, I doubt that. Tarantula hawks have no interest in people and are pretty docile.

That is a tarantula hawk. So named because they attack and paralyze tarantulas, drag the still-living spider back to their burrow, then lay an egg on it. The tarantula hawk larva eats the tarantula alive.

And my daughter’s S7 couldn’t survive the three-foot drop from the counter to the floor. :/

“...wasps, unlike bees, are solitary insects, so they don’t really care for one another.”