
This is exactly what I was going to recommend. I’m glad I checked the comments first.

I feel your pain. Not only did I get a very unusual first name, it goes right along with my very unusual last name, and to top it off, an unusual nickname. Buck. As in Westerns, Country Singers, and Space Cadets. Rhymes with a particularly foul curse word. Makes it impossible to play the name game without getting into

That depends. I recently dealt with my mother’s passing and even through she went to great lengths to ensure her affairs were in order, I was thankful I had no siblings to complicate the process. I can see a situation where a half-sibling could pop up and make a claim, even if they never had any contact with their

Yes. The blame lies with the men and women who created the situation in the first place. There are lots of stories out there about infidelity and the potential consequences. The situation has changed now that DNA testing can reveal unexpected truths and dredge up events that were seemingly settled long ago.

No. It’s an unintended consequence.

Message sent.

I think the bigger problem with mass-scale DNA testing is social. My wife recently received test results through Ancestry. It confirmed the family rumor - her grandfather had a second family in another town. It all started when the wife of one of his grandchildren in the other family contacted my wife and asked why

There’s a more compelling reason not to put your feet on the dash - brain damage from your knees hitting your face.

Now playing

The next logical step is to pit the AIs against each other. That’s the only way they will ever learn that the only winning move is not to play.

For all the folks looking for the footnote (as often denoted by an asterisk), the asterisk is part of the name, not an indication of a footnote. Bob Brown, the astrophysicist who coined the name said, “the name Sgr A∗ occurred to me by analogy brought to mind by my Phd dissertation, which is in atomic physics and

Yep. Sam Walton, founder of WalMart, drove a simple truck.

Typical internet commentariat. Jumps into the middle of a conversation then wonders why people get confused.

Now you’re just picking nits. May I remind you that you said “never”? Never say never.

My father-in-law has dealt with both, but he said the gall stones were worse. My mom said her gall stones were much worse than child birth.

I prefer Aliens.

I prefer Aliens.

“You’re never supposed to exceed the speed limit, even when passing...”

At what point do you take your millions and just walk away? I like to think I’d be happy with a few million in the bank.

Theaters and restaurants aren’t public places. They are privately owned establishments and there is a reasonable expectation for some privacy. There’s certainly no expectation that a patron could watch a film or eat dinner in his underwear, but there is a reasonable expectation that they aren’t being filmed.

I also read the source material and saw the same reference. Being trained in the sciences, I am well aware what they should have done but I’m also aware of many instances where researchers failed to get permission either from their subjects or from the university oversight committee. I’m suspicious because they don’t

One expects privacy in the darkness of a theater. After all, it isn’t a public street. Besides, if someone was walking around filming you for two hours on a public street, you would see them and know they were filming you. If the camera is hidden in a dark theater, you wouldn’t even know you were being filmed,