
I’m not sure that one would count given that it’s a kit.

After being grilled about my responses to an “anonymous” dealer survey, I resolved NOT to answer any more of their surveys.

Wait until you have kids. I’ve been stuck at home with two sleeping kids and a hankering for something other than pizza. Leaving the house wasn’t an option.

Rumble strips? BAH! I drove on washboard roads for years and never had a pump failure.

My wife’s cousin was a lineman in high school and college. His daily lunch was a large pack of lunch meat and a loaf of bread. He would eat plain sandwiches until everything was gone.

Yep. Dumb as a box of rocks over here. You got me. I’ll just forego that whole bipedalism thing and return to swinging from trees as my primary form of transportation as God intended.

Really? You can’t see the difference? When you step on the brake, cruise isn’t off, it’s just paused. Press resume and it’s going to ramp up to the previous set speed. It doesn’t lose that setting until it is turned off or it is set to a different speed.

That’s a good question. Perhaps it’s to keep someone from accidentally “resuming” and having the car accelerate unexpectedly? I think I’d prefer to keep it as is. I want the ability to shut the thing completely off. It’s like traction control. I want the ability to shut that off too.

That’s what was determined by someone during the investigation. The officer said that he thought the guy had been showing off and the accelerator had jammed. It wasn’t until later that someone was able to determine that the cruise control was on and active at the time of the crash.

I was told an interesting story by a police officer. A fellow was passing through the area and decided to swing through town to see his alma mater. I can’t remember what he was driving, but the cruise controls were integrated into the turn signal stalk.


The transport for my mom was also a minivan. She was transported in a proper hearse for the funeral.

There can be only two answers.

This is also the time of year for graduation. That means family traveling to see graduation ceremonies (that’s what we are doing) and new graduates taking the weekend to celebrate their newfound freedom.

If movement generates power, then the simple solution for the walking speakers is to blast high-energy sound at them and overload their amplifier. If it was at a high enough frequency, nobody would have to hear it.

Overall, the risk is pretty low. AAA expects 39.3 million people to travel 50 miles or more. Ignoring all of the other risk factors (trips less than 50 miles, vehicle type, type of road, driving at night, etc.), that means that 0.00000794% of the US population will be die in a vehicular accident over the holiday

Are you also assuming that it was a box trailer?

It happened in the mid ‘80s. Even though the side reflector requirements have been in place since the ‘60s, there’s no guarantee that the trailer had them.

He lived. That’s how we know exactly what happened.