
My wife taught herself how to sew, much to her mother’s disapproval. Her mother grew up dirt poor and was teased for having home-made clothes.

Does anyone actually listen to their music or does everyone just marvel at their videos and forget about them until the next one is released?

Star for referencing Sheldon Brown.

As a man, I reject your notion of “man-looking.” I have been acknowledged, by my wife no less, as the best “finder” in the family. My method is simple - pick stuff up and look under it, even if you “know” that the missing object “couldn’t be there.” Latest object found - a pair of Sperry shoes for my daughter. They

Perhaps they discovered we taste like chicken.

I just inherited a 1990 model. Now I have to rethink my plans for this little truck....

I spotted an older Forester on the road today. I was surprised at how much smaller it is than our ‘14 Outback

Have you seen the limited Outback? I’ve driven three just this year, two were 2017 dealer loaners with the eyesight package and the third is a 2014 I just inherited from my mom. These things are pretty darn nice and are way more than a minimalist would want.

My girlfriend and I decided to accompany a friend of mine, let’s call him Bob, on a trip to Galveston from Oklahoma. We were in Bob’s mid-’80s Nissan Sentra hatchback. While the trip down was fine, we had some trouble on the way home.

9.5 4E here. Same problems, different size.

Now playing

It’s been done before and more effectively. The KFC buckets are just a gimmick - one that really doesn’t help in flight dynamics.

Ah, nostalgia. I owned the direct competitor to this bike - an ‘83 Yamaha Seca 650 Turbo. What can I say about it? It suffered from many of the same problems, namely high weight and turbo lag, but when the turbo boost built up, it went from being a docile street cruiser to a bit of a monster. As others have said, this

While five over may not seem like much, context is everything. Five over in a 30 mph zone is 16% higher than the limit. Five over in a 70 mph zone is only 7% over.

Says he with the heart of stone.

Let’s be clear - I’m not disturbed by the image. However, I know other people are and at first glance, it looks like her skin has been severely burned. Perhaps it doesn’t on your computer, but that was the first impression I got when viewing it on a mobile device.

Come on, Adam. You can do better than this. If you are going to mark it [graphic] to warn us about the content, then how about a safety image so the burned woman doesn’t appear as the lead image?

Not necessarily nocturnal. The first one I saw in person was foraging in the woods in the middle of the afternoon.

Go visit your nearest golf course. They love tearing up golf courses.

Oklahoma too.

1943 Willy’s Jeep. I was a camp counselor and someone donated the Jeep for our use around the camp. It was in terrible shape, but it still got us around the camp. I’m pretty sure only the right-front brake worked. If you stepped on the brakes hard, it would take a right turn. One of the other counselors stepped on the