
I know these are the methods being taught in common core because my son has been victim to them. His math grades have been mediocre because he has been taught the common core method of “estimating” the value in his head. He resisted doing the work on paper until this year. His friends moved on to the advanced class

This makes me nervous as hell. One of the worst wrecks I had was caused by a dog. The impact was severe enough to bend the downtube on a steel frame.

At least he landed at the correct airport!

I passed a fellow the other day and he made a point of passing two people (myself and the car in front of me) in the right-hand turn lane, swerving over two lanes, all with the express purpose of boxing me in. I suppose he didn’t like getting passed by a small car.

I don’t consider hopping the curb to be a trick. It’s an essential skill which can get you up a curb or over a pothole without slowing down. It’s easier on a flat-bar bike, but I learned how to do it it with drop bars and moustache bars. Knowing how is a safety issue to me.

Two of my neighbors nearly came to blows over a similar situation. The neighbor with the dog (neighbor #1) let it poop wherever it wanted. The neighbor where the dog pooped (neighbor #2) scooped it up an threw it back into neighbor #1's yard. Neighbor #1 scooped it up and threw it into neighbor #2's garage, where his

A properly executed curb hop puts no additional stress on the bike. I do it all the time. That being said, an improperly executed hop can destroy lots of parts, including your own.

I’m not sure why all these boneheads are trying to use quadcopters. An r/c airplane can carry a much larger payload over greater distances and even operate autonomously.

As it always happens, it’s more complicated than that. A trebuchet is a type of catapult. Although one of the most recognizable characteristics of what we think of as a trebuchet is the counterweight, early designs used ropes pulled by men. These were called traction trebuchet. The more common and effective design was

“Apparently, this one wasn’t airworthy, so, at what point is a plane no longer legally a plane?”

Some friends of mine decided to put together a weekend trip but decided to leave early on a Friday. I had a Friday lab class that I couldn’t skip, so I had them take my gear and planned to ride my motorcycle out to meet them. Things were going great until I hit 5:00 traffic on the west side of Houston. After

Where did you see that it wasn’t airworthy? From the articles, it was parked in his driveway because the fellow didn’t want to pay the hangar rental fees. There was mention of a pending divorce in one of the articles I found.

I was tossed off a waverunner at speed last summer. I broke two ribs when I landed. To be fair, both were broken previously.

The Ghostbusters vibe is strong.

I’d love to know their legal reasoning for taking his private property. His plane does not meet any of the code requirements to be considered abandoned or junk. It doesn’t even fall under their motor vehicle code since it isn’t considered a motor vehicle.

*Court decides Protected class > Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech (FoR and FoS are because of their claims, not mine)

In summary:

The one where people step up to defend Reddit for their actions because it supports their political position but don’t defend other private businesses even though the situations and applicable laws are similar.