
I’m pretty sure he means this:

Worst flight? Easy. Air Paul.

I would bet that the vape pen popped in his face, then he hit the sink face-first, breaking the sink and knocking his teeth out.

A friend of mine got married and his new wife moved into his home. She proceeded to put away all their wedding gifts, including the new small appliances which she placed in the storage drawer under the oven. What she didn’t realize was that the oven in her new home was gas, not electric.

Hah! My mom likes to tell the story about the time the hospital staff called child protective services. I can’t remember if it was for the stitches on my right eye after the bike crash or the stitches on my left eye from the guitar to the face. I was only 6 or 7, so it’s hard to keep them straight.

Yeah. We knew the real meaning of “shake it off.”

Punching isn’t the only way to get torn up. I have knee and ankle problems, partly from running, partly from training injuries. I thought I would pick it up Jiujitsu with my son since it would be lower impact. My first session ended with my training partner compressing me into the floor and re-breaking two ribs I had

Exactly. Neither my Sifu nor my tai kwon do instructor would allow any of the young students do knuckle push-ups or break boards until they were old enough. They were too concerned about kids damaging their hands.

All this talk about the UI being so great but no screenshots of the UI? What gives?

When you do your next list, consider adding a print server to the list. CUPS supports internet print services, even for apple devices.

Exactly what I came here to say. At 9 years old, the growth plates are still growing and are easily damaged. When she gets older, she’ll be pretty pissed off by her tiny hands that are hard as rocks, but have no fine motor control. I wouldn’t be surprised if she develops arthritis in her twenties.

Most states require a change of registration within a couple of weeks, with exceptions for students and other temporary residents. I’m not sure she was ever pulled over, but if she were, a simple claim of temporary residency would probably suffice.

My cousin moved to another state but didn’t bother registering her car there. She drove around for two years with expired out-of-state plates. She wasn’t caught until she moved back home. When she was pulled over, they decided to impound her car. The back registration and fines were greater than the value of the car.

Snopes is known for debunking fake stories.

“The Apartment in the Mall was never intended to be specifically an ‘art’ piece, it was a home, an escape and an oasis away from a significant task that was consuming my life at the time.”

Good question. There is no mention of climate control. His only big regret was not having a working toilet.

Wow. I missed that story. Come to think of it, I could probably live in my office if I picked up a membership to the gym downstairs.

It is clear from your writing that you spent a great deal of time considering your response. You recognized that he and his artist friends occupied the apartment they surreptitiously built in a parking garage only for weeks at a time. I am surprised that you failed to recognize, given your careful consideration, that

Links to site well-known for debunking rumors and false internet article....

Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.