
Nice article. One complaint. When you wrote, “The U.S. ceased and broke a multitude of Japanese secret messages,” I am sure you meant the U.S. seized. Ceased = stop. Seized = obtained.

If the faucets provide warm water, just run your hands under the water for a bit before trying to get some soap. They should stay warm long enough to trip the sensor. Well, as long as your name isn’t Frosty or Elsa.

Funny, but the sensors on faucets don’t “see” in color. They sense infrared. “Black hand” needed to be warmed up a bit to set off the sensor. This is one of the reasons I dislike cold-water-only faucets. They chill my hands enough that I can’t get the dispenser to give me some soap.

That price is for the truck only. The Nikola lease supposedly includes fuel.

So, you didn’t see all the other replies, huh?

It would be your default browser font, not Kinja. I’m running Chrome on Windows which defaults to Times New Roman.

Years of Alt+0176 have taken their toll. It takes me at least three times as long to process and enter Alt+248.

I suppose it depends on the font you are using. In Times New Roman, the results are:

Back in the day, four digits were required. I’m glad to hear I can save a keystroke!

I learned it from the character map in windows. I was filling out data records and my boss insisted I include the degree symbol. As I was copying the symbol from the character map, I realized it gave the alt+ code for every character. It revolutionized data entry on that project and I never forgot it.

What were we talking about?

Because we all know S10s are prone to breaking.

°0° !

° °


If you hold down the alt key and type 0176 on the number pad on your keyboard, you will get the ° symbol. This will keep you from having to use an asterisk in when talking about degrees. 

It could have been worse.

One of the best karting experiences I’ve had was my buddies and I on a drift oval. The place we went to spread talcum powder on the turns to enhance the slipperiness.

Camp is the BEST! My favorites were the pool, the ropes course, the stables, and best of all - sailing! As counselors, we could do any of the activities during our off period. I probably spent half of mine goofing around in a sunfish or monocat.

I was once a camp counselor and thought I’d like to be a director someday. Our camp was big enough that the director kept a few minibikes around. I had the good fortune of access to one of those bikes whenever I wanted. Best summer ever!