
Here you go:

I don’t share my facebook feed with potential employers. They don’t need to know I have more than my share of crazy relatives.

Scorpions are 8WD.

Former resident of Oklahoma here. The best thing to do during a tornado is hide, preferably in a storm cellar. Outrunning one is not an option, especially when you start battling the other elements that come along with a tornado - rain, wind, and often, hail.

There’s a good chance that instead of figuring it out, they will turn out just like their father.

This is an issue along I-10 west of Baton Rouge. One of my favorite days was when a group of shoulder-passers zoomed by, then were promptly pulled over by the cop just around the bend. HAH!!

Here’s the thing about vaping that makes me hate it. I know we are breathing the same air. I didn’t sign up for your addiction. I don’t want my air to smell like whatever mint/vanilla/menthol mix you’ve recently inhaled. I know we are sharing air by the smell. I just don’t want blatant visual proof that what you are

Our parents used to berate us for playing games instead of playing outside. Little did they know we were learning essential skills for playing sports.

I tried the same thing. My wife did the same thing. She ended up with an Explorer. It’s a purchase she has come to regret.

Thank you for taking the time to write a well-reasoned response. It is unfortunate that the masses only take one or two courses in basic biology in high school. It’s clear from his missive and the supporting responses that too many people just don’t understand basic concepts in biology, much less advanced topics like

“Sunlight heats an uncovered reservoir, not by directly heating individual water molecules, but by heating the bottom and that heat transferring to water through conduction.”

We were in Yellowstone National Park when we spotted an older fellow in the parking lot asking other people to try their key in his Tahoe. He eventually found someone with a matching door key and was able to get to the keys he locked inside.

Mr. Pedantic here to inform you, that is a recorder, not a flute.

Just wait until the first bottle of milk gets spilled and you have to park outside on a hot day.

I know the dangers of in-vehicle dining as I had many years of doing so in my old truck. I stopped doing it when we had kids. My wife’s car always smelled like spoiled milk and gold fish crackers.

Shame on you. Have you ever tried to get spilled slaw out of your defroster vents? One slam on the brakes and you will.

You forgot soup. Any kind of soup.

That’s a good point, although the cost of living in Baton Rouge is within 6% of the cost of living in Houston, two points of reference I am familiar with. I’ve seen helicopter parents in both.