
Alternative approach: Have everything packed before dinner. Go to sleep at the same time as the kids. Get up after 1 sleep cycle. Most people go through two a night, so 1/2 your normal sleep time - for me this is three hours). Load everyone into the car, then hit the road.

During a class on wafting...

And then a student worker inverts a pipette filled with acid and doesn’t tell anybody. The freshly rusted plunger contaminates the next set of samples.... #storiesfromthelab

“Everything here is correct except for you are confusing RTK and DGPS.”

One star up for the microtome reference. My first job out of college required the use of a sledge microtome for preparing slides from undecalcified bones. I only cut myself once. I bumped the knife while mounting a sample. I learned that it was best to fully retract the sledge before trying to mount anything.

The way we implemented filtering doesn’t require reacquisition. We just ignore any positions that exceed reasonable expectation for velocity based on prior velocity. It’s fairly easy to implement, so I’m not sure why Garmin, don’t do it.

You must not be using the right treats.

Knowledgeable does not equal smarter. You can fix the former, no matter your age.

Recreational-grade GPS (your phone, garmin, etc.) usually don’t have good algorithms for detecting and filtering based on velocity. You would think it would be easy to implement, but they just don’t do it.

Toyota Tacoma quad cab. I had more headroom in my Mazda truck than I did in the Tacoma. The rear of the truck seemed so far away. With tinted windows, it was like sitting in a cave.

Came here to post this. Beat me to it!

Rush - “YYZ”


Meanwhile... somewhere between 70 to 80% of the water used in the U.S. goes to agriculture. It’s hard to know for sure since most agricultural wells don’t have gauges on them to tell how much they are pumping. California alone accounts for 19% of that water.

Now playing

Reminds me of the dentist scene with Bill Murray and Steve Martin in Little Shop of Horrors.


I am old enough that the most advanced pieces of technology in our house were a television and a phone which was still connected to the wall by a cord. My home stereo still had vacuum tubes. I had access to computers at school and learned to code there. There was no such thing as the internet.

I’m not quite as old as you, but I taught a sophomore level course in technology at a university for several years. I had kids walk into the room with no understanding of how a mouse worked. I never understood how they made it through their freshman year without using a computer.

My dilemma, exactly. The old truck is parked and the SUV is now the heavy hauler. Come springtime, any trips to the landscapers will first require a trip to rent a trailer since we don’t have a place to park one. Then I have to make sure I have enough time to get everything loaded and unloaded in one day so that I