
Don’t you know anything?!? THIS is a 787:

From their FAQ:

Historically, groundwater use for agriculture has not been regulated. It is legal to drill a well as deep as necessary and pump as much water as is desired in most states. USDA estimates show that approximately 80% of all groundwater pumped is used for agricultural purposes.

This is my paired down adventure-storytelling kit, and how it performed.

The cops in Louisiana do this in tandem.

Then fall down and break every one of them.

“Most importantly, make sure whoever’s driving knows what they’re doing: messing around with a powerboat close to shore, with people in the water, is a great way to get hurt.”

So, my mom called me with a computer problem....

My nearly 70 year old mother-in-law is threatening to leave her G35 to my son. He isn’t nearly old enough to drive and when he is, his first car won’t be a 250+hp coupe!

Balance bikes are a better solution since they separate the skills - balance and steering first, pedaling an braking second.

This is exactly why it is better to start with a balance bike. Separate the skills - balance and steering first, pedaling second.

You can have Spotify and Waze running at the same time. Waze alerts will come in over your tunes, but they are usually worth it. Just don’t try to listen to Spotify with Waze providing driving directions via voice. That will drive you nuts.

Fuel for your ATV?

Whose car this is I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his car move so slow.

That might work, although I have never tried it. These are most useful when there is a lack of large firewood.

“Just take their recommendations and conclusions with a grain of salt, one of the things I’ve realized doing this as a job now is that not many people are able to provide real insight into how products work and serve their customers.”

When it was time to teach our Scouts how to build fires, step one was learning how to throw a spark. To prevent unwanted fires, we had them throwing sparks into buckets. Once they had that down, we tried different methods for catching the spark. By far, the easiest was cotton balls and vaseline. Dryer lint was next. I

Glad to see a surveyor on here! Fun fact: the work to create the first national level lines began