
Selective availability (SA) is easy to circumvent which is why they turn it off as the satellites careen over the U.S. A base station at a known location (or a whole network of them) and the ability to transmit corrections either via radio or over a cell network is all it takes. Surveyors call it Real-time Kinematics

Looks like he bought the "engineers" a few too many beers.

Everyone is right about the lack of jet in that build but I’m surprised nobody said a word about the waste of 3-D printing material. Any decent model builder could have built a better mount in less time with a lower cost.

"I don't let her do the dishes because she refuses to wash them on full-hot, which has the dual benefits of both killing every living thing on the plate and allowing it to air-dry completely by the time I've finished washing the rest of the dishes."

My Wife.

You are lucky. My wife put on some eggs to boil, then forgot about them and left the house. I was notified by the security company that the smoke alarm was indicating a fire in the house and nobody was answering the phone. I rushed home to find fire trucks on the street and firemen in my house. My wife was standing in

You really are bananas.

“As the title of the article states, the WORLD lost 18 Million Hectares of forrest.” [sic]

Glug, glug, glug... Excuse me, sir. I think you are doing it wrong.

It is apparent that my point is lost on you. My first post was absolutely clear - using a map of the United States to make a point about deforestation is inappropriate because most of the supposed deforestation in the U.S. is due to logging of managed forests. Most of these “deforested” areas are part of a sustainable

“The primary problem with your link of course is it’s age.”

This is a nit to pick, but I wish they wouldn’t use Mercator projections when talking about areas. Mercator projections straighten lines of longitude, making them parallel on the map. The end result is an areal distortion with more northern areas displayed as much larger than they really are. This kind of data would

Texas is well on its way to creating the Greater Texas Urban Triangle. It is anchored by Houston, San Antonio, and Dallas. It is connected by I-10, I-35, and I-45.


It is represented that way in order to support their argument. I direct you to what should be required reading material for every freshman:

So ... what replaced those forests?

“If we’re losing trees, does it really matter what the cause is? “

There is no doubt that continuous development does lead to loss of small, isolated forests and it makes me sad to see them go. The aggregate of these small changes can lead to long-term big changes. But what is “best” for us and the world that surrounds us depends on who you are talking to, what timeframe you are

I find it interesting that a large portion of the lead map in this post indicates tree loss in some of the largest areas of managed forest in the U.S. Ah, here we go, from the source site: “Tree cover loss is a measure of the total loss of all trees within a specific area regardless of the cause” (emphasis mine). The

Fixed gear? That’s so hipster.