
It isn't just the oil companies. Letting the Mississippi meander would affect all of the ports along the river, from the Port of New Orleans to the Ports of Minneapolis and St. Paul. These statistics are a bit old, but a large portion of our nation's commerce depends on this river:

You missed the Chimpanzee. We had friends that worked at a wildlife rescue center. During the summer, they would walk on top of the chimp enclosure and hose the chimps down. The chimps loved it. Some of them would hang from the top of the enclosure and follow the keepers around just so they could get the full force of

They've posted about them before, they just forgot.

Wing location and design is the result of a complex, iterative process where a number of factors play a role - lift requirements, speed envelopes, ground/infrastructure requirements, etc. The big factors are the amount of lift required and the rotational moment of the the wing (how much pitch the wing introduces to

I came here to post the story about my friend Murphy who received this car for his 16th birthday. His nickname was immediately changed from Murph to Smurph.

Back in the '80's it was this:

First truck - '83 Mazda b2000. Lost it when a girl ran a stop sign and I t-boned her car. We were lucky nobody was hurt.

Wired claims the source of the snails was a curious boy.

4/5 with cheapie earbuds pulling sound from the headphone port on my laptop's docking station. I can't say that I knew which was which. Either would be fine for my ears, so I don't see the reason for wasting the bandwidth or disk space with lossless music.

I forgot to nominate the Yamaha RZ350 - a two-stroke monster which could punch way above its weight.

This is standard practice in Louisiana. There is one intersection in particular that is really bad. Instead of proceeding south and turning right, idiots turn west, then try to turn left across four lanes to get to the strip mall at the southwest corner. Idiots leaving the strip mall try to exit to the north, cross

Like turbo: Yamaha Seca 650 Turbo

I'm not fond of the side swoop. It reminds me of a Hyundai.

You have to let make her drive one. My wife made fun of me relentlessly for buying a WRX hatch. Then the day came that her Explorer needed to go to the dealership and she drove the WRX for the day. I had a heck of a time getting the keys back. She doesn't make fun of my little wagon anymore.

For those who want to know HOW they do it - they are using access logs from Wikipedia to see which disease pages are being accessed from where and how often. It is similar to how Google uses search terms to create the flu trends maps.

It ran away. I have no sympathy for either the dog or its owner. The owner let the dog run loose all the time and laughed when it chased me. The dog liked to get close and nip at my ankles. It wasn't a big dog, so it was at the perfect height for ankle-biting. I developed the habit of slowing down until I had him

I nearly hit a deer on a remote road one morning on my to work. The road is fairly curvy with young forest on both sides. The section is downhill, so I regularly hit the low 30's. I spooked three deer just beyond this curve and nearly hit the last one as he/she (wrong season, couldn't tell) crossed the road.

Most definitely a tire issue. I had exactly two uncontrolled spins in my '94 B3000. Both were on worn rear tires in the rain. Even with good tires, it was easy to drift that truck when turning left on wet pavement.

To me it looks like the left-turner came in a little too hot and decided to go around the pedestrian at the last second. If he tried for the lane, we would have gone wide and hit the pedestrian.

It's been done and with much better style: