
Elena and Laura can CERTAINLY be referred to as Black. The term African American has been passé for some time, outside of corporate circles. One can be from Kenya and be Black. One can be from Brazil and be Black. Blackness transcends one’s nationality, and just as Black Americans have a connection to slavery, so too

Good thing you wrote that specifically and not just “first playable black woman” to confuse everyone.

“WTF is this?” one person referencing Almalki’s comment asked FaZe Clan’s account. “I don’t agree with how he went about it, but it’s his religion and we have to respect it just like people apart of the lgbtq community should be respected,” another replied.

Accept that you’re a whiner. 

Could this take have been dumber? No, no it couldn’t. You don’t get to appropriate everything for an agenda. She was a narcissistic liar, full stop. And based on the evidence - funny that! - she got nailed.

“Amber Heard Verdict Sends A Message To Black Women Everywhere”

On behalf of all Kinja, let me thank you for not putting this in a slideshow or a video.

If it offends you... you don’t have to use the platform.

No. 1000% No. This is bad information.

I actually love this response as a FLAC>DAC owner myself, though I prefer streaming on mobile for the convenience (and not having to use those damn USB>3.5mm dongles!)

A statement after a bill is signed is completely worthless.  You are complicit if you wait until after a bill is signed.

It’s not a good idea. Full stop.

Since when has Nintendo released a war game set in the modern ear which rages war against brown people? If Blue Moon was not so obvious Russia and the game did not start with them invading another country, then maybe your complaint would have some merit. But Advance Wars is a direct parallel to current events. 

Sir, this is an Applebees.

Piracy is now the only realistic way to maintain video game archival preservation because it is obvious that the Video Games publishers couldn’t give a shit about it.

OMG It’s not a slideshow!

“Mr. White, I’m afraid it’s advanced cancer. Not to worry, you’ve got your two oncologists ready to go, your chemo starts next Thursday.”

God, really? This is possibly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see the smartest human beings on Earth combine their incredible powers to create an astounding piece of machinery and here you are, burdened with details.

They do indeed have individual motors on each mirror to control them down to 10 NANOmeters.

Are you telling me that the country currently keeping ethnic minorities in concentration camps for “reeducation” while using them for slave labor in cotton fields and factories, while also disappearing scientist and keeping a lid on the start of the pandemic, is being untruthful? Surely you can’t be serious.