
Lol no concern trolling here. Too old for that crap. No, I see a snake. I call him a snake. I called him out for being a snake with snake behaviour, talking out of both sides of his mouth. If lawyers didn't act like this, we wouldn't be able to have people exploited like this. It's really simple. Stop being a snake.


Reading over your response, you’re a snake. If you know you’re doing something that predatory and immoral, then you’re just... bad people. Glad you figured out a way to sleep at night, because you ARE the problem here. Contracts like this, exploitations like this wouldn’t happen WITHOUT YOU.

Am... am I supposed to feel sad? I feel worse for the burden he’s placed on the overworked health care frontline workers, the bed he’s taking up for someone who more legitimately deserves it, and the oxygen he’s using that I could be using to breathe. What a waste of space and human life.

Hi Renata! Wishing you the best of luck. Ignore 90% of Kinja, and don’t let your corporate overlords destroy your love of the game and work.

“Stop putting your things in my mouth!”

No, I get that. I'm just saying that speedrunning is not just solid playing, but a deep understanding of the mechanics. Sometimes that results in glitch exploitation, which I was using as an example. To understand how to manipulate the turret meant understanding the inner workings of the game. I'm impressed by the

See, THIS right here is why I adore speedrunning. People who complain about how glitchy or gimmicky it can be completely miss the point of how difficult some of the tricks are to perform, or the depth of knowledge of a game required to devise and implement a strat. This is utterly fantastic, and I can't wait to see

22 years together, two kids later, still playing Gears co-op on insane together and she’s more beautiful than ever! (me, on the other hand...)

No, you don’t have it correct. Good try, slugger, but swing and a miss.

Cool, you give me $2K+ to take the chance a second time then. I’m out until I see that sucker survive proper drop and scratch tests, to say nothing of waterproofing so I didn’t get scared every time it rained.

Charles Martinet should absolutely be the voice of Mario. Full stop. I’ll tell you why.

OG Fold owner here. Got it at launch in Canada (December 2019). I made it 10 months, then had some major dead pixels on the inside screen and got it replaced under warranty. Then, a couple of weeks ago, it took a small (>2 feet) onto a hardwood floor, spine first.

“How do communicators on Star Trek?” answered with “Because it’s make believe” would mean you wouldn’t have the phone you’re likely posting with right now. Imagination is the harbinger of invention and progress.

Woohoo! My daily dose of virtue signalling. How's the view from up there? Must be hard to see past your nose, all upturned at the author and all. To whomever pissed in your Cheerios this morning: well done! 

Umm, wouldn’t that start with himself? Being the one in charge, and actively ignoring all the screams for all these years while pocketing millions of dollars he did nothing to earn? Just a thought.

I love you, Patricia, but there’s some serious word salad here. Saying “ is extremely likely that we’re not going to cease coverage of news items that inform you about issues and the like” isn’t addressing the question. We don’t doubt for a moment you’ll stop covering this issue (and you deserve a goddamn

No, you should be disrespecting Kentuckyans for sure. A majority of them elected the fucker, and the minority didn’t do enough to stop it.

Paul, a senator from Kentucky a rectal wart from Satan’s asshole

Yeah, no. I don’t trust’s Valve’s hardware division. At. All. They have a track record on par with Google’s messaging and social media app division.