There aren’t enough batteries in the world...
Perfect comment.
Job’s done.
Absolutely agree.
I’m in contact with Billy and I’ll just say he’s not in a good place at the moment. Feel free to be invested in this story however it strikes you, but please reconsider threats or harassment, which he has received plenty of and in large part dissuade him from providing comment in stories like these.
Honestly, this is a bad take - but it would be more respectable stance taken by the show’s makers if they didn’t choose literally THE ONLY CHARACTER ON THE SHOW WHO 110% WOULD NEVER SAY THAT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Just a thought.
I can’t hear that in anyone’s voice but J.K. Simmons. Yes, he works at Microsoft now.
[reads headline]
...Steam World Dig? Not Steam world Dig 2?
In Valve Time, it’s only been a few hours since Portal 2.
I HATED the original Luigi’s Mansion, so I was absolutely blown away when the second one the 3DS turned out to be one of the best games I’ve ever played. I sort of assumed, when they said it would be an updated version, that they were overhauling the first one to be as cool as the second one. Maybe that’s just wishful…
A follow-up:
They were just pullin for their team.
Super Mario Encyclopedia Cover Power Rankings:
How the hell did he find time to direct Black Panther?
Lost Wage Rampage is a new riot grrl driving game about stealing what you’re owed and destroying everything else.