
It would totally ruin the feeling of solitude you get most of the time.

This is super smart to make the game into a dev tool, but this totally reminds me of Miiverse. Can you imagine?

You must be great at parties

There’s something so incredibly fragile about the consistent backlash to citing difficulty as a hindrance.

So Blizzard wants their best pro players treated like actual people and employees of a company rather than “just gamers who should feel lucky to even be involved”.

As someone who played Splatoon 1, I think the music is awesome. Didn’t realize much of it was remixed. Maybe the old stuff really is better, or maybe hearing them as variations on the themes you know is coloring things.

I only have one negative thing to say about Splatoon 2 so far, besides the weird online communication stuff.

That is hilarious. Thank you for sharing

I have been around Miyomoto many times, never met him. I have a terribly embarrassing story of the closest I got.

A while later, I was in the bathroom—and this is embarrassing—I was trying to pull down [Donkey Kong 64 designer] George Andreas’ trousers for a joke. I was on my knees and I looked up to see Miyamoto staring down at me.

For a certain type of video game enthusiast, getting to meet Mario creator Shigeru Miyamoto is the ultimate dream.

Now playing

Tooth and Tail, an RTS by the folks who made Monaco, is coming to computers and PS4 September 12. Here’s a new trailer.

If chess was created now, people would be like “Queen’s are OP, Knights need a boost”

And all music in general. For me, Maniac Mansion is the gold standard to which all other video game music is measured. Ranks right up there up there with MegaMan2.

Lol gangsta.

Security was so bad that my friend and an actor just walked in during day 2 and actually filmed part of his music video.

For $800, I could just hire a REAL assassin!