
and since it won the challenge, Moonlight got to keep its timeout.

Also, played like 50 hours of Zelda.

Wow why did you cancel Gamestop’s Circle of Life program Jason?

Gosh, I have such a biased, warm feeling towards Night in the Woods based on my first hour. I spent my collegiate years in Pittsburgh - I’ve never quite felt a game nail such a warm, familial and eerily accurate representation of any one city as this game does. And with such ease!

Yes. And the reason for that emphatic “Yes” is the fact that to him its just ‘some jokes that you disagree with’.

I don’t think I’ve ever heard as many f-bombs in any single piece of media than in this Pokemon unboxing video.

So a dude with more money than most people see in their lives chose to take advantage of economically-disadvantaged individuals for the sake of some anti-Semitic “humor,” and is now surprised that there are consequences that go with that kind of behavior.

Got it.

Having read some of the comments on the previous article

Passed Reggie at E3, his Mii had like a dozen passes.

Now playing

Also, Twilight Princess deserves to be higher on this list if just for this sequence:

Okay this list is all wrong and dumb and stupid and you should feel bad (just kidding), but I do want to point out that the original Zelda HAS aged well!

I’m guessing John and Brenda Romero.

Stephen, I just read you had twins. Which video game duo will you dress up your kids like for Halloween?

Learned it years ago from Magic The Gathering’s Panoptic Mirror. Still a fun word to use.


+1 homemade BBQ sauce recipe

If anybody wants to see, there’s a Donkey Kong speedrun coming up.

I also always kind of rolled my eyes at this. Not because it was queer-coding (I’m all for representation) but because it didn’t come from a place of genuine identification but rather, “Hehe, them two unconventional girls MUST be lesbian!”

Patty also had a crush on Pig Pen!:

So this exact scenario happened to me several years ago.

First of all, quick semantic issue: reporters are not leakers. Reporters report on leaked information.