
These are all great games - but its gotta be partially because once a game falls out of the top 15 or 25 or whatever, they fall into “I write about games professionally and have been playing them for almost three decades and even I cant figure out how to search for games” territory.

Google: Let’s remove hardware barriers everywhere!

Green Book doesn’t see color.

I once was in a media event with three prominent, very well known members of Nintendo’s PR team. They told me the parameters of the interview and asked if I had anything I wanted to talk about. I told them that honestly, at that time our readership’s #1 question would be about Earthbound and Mother 3. They all

“Now we can get to work on the next Hearthstone expansion!”

Spongebob text: 18 YEARS LATER...

[Disconnected, ruthless shrew detached from anything resembling the mortal coil]: Wow! THAT number is way bigger! How much would we need to reduce our labor force to hit these YOY projections, you think?

Will I still restart every game after 10 turns until I walk into a good tech boost that’s laying on the ground, though?

If Sakurai applied himself to literally anything else besides Smash Bros., we’d have cold fusion by now.

Inmate: What are you in for?

Did you know: Pikmin is scarier than Silent Hill?


Suda 51 made two INCREDIBLY interesting titles: No More Heroes and Killer 7. They still really make me think to this day.

If this were two years ago, The Han Solo Telltale series that nobody played but everyone said they liked would have been awesome.

Played it at PAX and thought it was very rough, and yeah, the dialogue was even more of a chore than the gameplay, somehow. That said, I thought the turntable combat was pretty fun. And I got a pin after playing. The little things.

EA is the world’s most expensive game concept art studio.

Thanks for reporting on this Gita. Being contacted by a person you admire is a thrill, but this is bigger than just fan service. Good work getting the actual letter published!

Stupid smash bros :/

Bethesda’s update:

I just want to point out that this is a Nintendo PR person’s wet dream incarnate, having a person with 70+ million followers on Twitter randomly rant and rave about Bayonetta, of ALL THINGS.