
To the last point of being niche...

This is super well written, and if I may...

Argh - one of my favorite writers talking to one of my favorite directors! What a time to be alive.

Security was so bad that my friend and an actor just walked in during day 2 and actually filmed part of his music video.

For $800, I could just hire a REAL assassin!

When you tire of the James Comey hearing, may we all be shown the grace of this piece.

Sombra confirmed.

Wow, No Man’s Sky ruined No Man’s Sky AND Mass Effect!

Your argument is valid, but I would caution that Super Mario World is NOT just an “upgraded” Super Mario Bros. 3 any more than Super Mario Galaxy is an “upgraded” Super Mario Sunshine.


I mean.

Can I interest you in a job at my fictional company? We pay very reasonably!

Also, I can’t believe E3 is in just three days.

This will be E3 #4 for me, and what happens to me every single time is that I push my body to the point of exhaustion, not realizing until the end of day #3. If you don’t have any obligations and can spare the time, DON’T DO THAT. Just enjoy it!

One dimension this article doesn’t touch on is hatred even when we win: I have often gotten triple golds with Hanzo while in the 2000 ranks, we win (sometimes very convincingly), and people STILL get on the mic and yell at me for being Hanzo. It’s one of the more masochistic experiences in all of gaming.

And then you feel like a selfish jerk when you get basically everything EXCEPT the one you want. Stupid Widowmaker skin!

Just finished Book 7 of Saga last night.

Equally disturbing that Bartimoro is leaned in, wide-eyed and giddy, asking “How did he react?”, like they were talking about a Prom proposal.

Just wanted to pop in and say that I love your Peanuts pieces Kevin, and this one is maybe my favorite one. Great work as always.