Bob The Builder

Agreed. Looks like it was dreamed up in the same boardroom where GOP attack ads are born.

I watched this ad before reading the article’s explanation. Before the voice-over kicked in, I honestly thought it was a republican ad about being tough on immigration.


at least one person albeit a white woman

IQ tests are not racist.

“And then there was the battle by the Moon. Where is Starfleet?”

You’re missing the much, much much much much more important question:


Did extensive mining somehow negate the Moon’s gravitational pull? And how the hell does a spaceship *fall* 400,000km in a matter

‘There was no practical reason to put everyone in turtlenecks halfway through Deep Space Nine’

I think they meant their modes of dress and their jewelry. It’s not Code of Honor bad, but I can see their point.

Spoiler Alert:

The President pretty much always travels via Air Force One or his Helicopter as that is about the cheapest and most efficient way to meet the desired security needs. You can whine about the number of trips the President takes, but that is a separate issue. On the other hand, ever member of the inner-circle of the

I didn’t like when Obama did that, but if you are going to create a presidential equivalency (since the president must use air force one it is debatable), than Trump is worse than Obama by more than a magnitude. I’d like to see a Ven diagram of commenters like you and those that are freaking out over Trumps absolute

1. Whataboutism is weak argument. Don’t deflect. Is this good behavior or not?

The president usually travels via air force one. Cabinet members don’t usually travel via private planes.

Trump may have just violated the penultimate rule of politics...

Don’t f*** with the bread and circuses. He’s Commodus, watching as the arena turns on him, and onto the side of the gladiators.

Well hell yea he would, his battery just doesn’t have enough charge for a punch.

Ok I can play this game. Since you want to completely ignore social causes, then why does the NFL have breast cancer awareness month and salute the veterans? You see people like you have problem supporting things that don’t fit your personal narrative. Obviously those who protests care more about their moral fabric

when craven optics-humpers like goodell are forced to criticize (albeit mildly) the president of the united states out of basic and obvious decency, it really stresses the whole darkest timeline thing.

Goodell. Trump’s the kind of guy will talk shit non-stop, but as soon as you get out of your seat to walk towards him he runs away. He’s the classic bully that only picks on people 50 lbs lighter than he is.

Was wondering when Jed would show up....

Yes. If a hurricane runs up the east coast or middle of the state, the storm surge on the Gulf side is minimal. If it runs up the west coast, the storm strengthens in the warmer waters of the Gulf of Mexico and the storm surge will cause flooding from 10-20 feet.