Bob The Builder

Just the “deep state” trying to get some last licks in before the “evidence-based” ban hits their department.

My transition emails are protected by HIPPA.

This is excellent satire. Although if you really wanted to sell it you should’ve fit in a ‘snowflake’ or ‘cuck’ somewhere.

Trump isn’t smart enough but Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ husband is smart enough to pass this tidbit along. Pence is also smart enough, but will want to deny being anywhere near Trump the last 18 months.

It’s a Hanukkah miracle.

You are not correct. You are also entirely without knowledge or comprehension when forming your conclusions.

It’s a crime to lie to the FBI, and it hasn’t been disproven yet that Trump violated the Logan Act. Oh, and obstruction of justice is a crime. But go ahead and relax if you want to.

this is the key.

Because the jury believed his claim that he didn’t even know it was a gun until it discharged as it was wrapped in clothing and discarded by the bench. There is no criminal negligence in the act of picking up an item of clothing, you cannot reasonably assume this to be unsafe.

Because his actions didn’t meet the definition of involuntary manslauter

It’s pretty normal to say, today we will be discussing sensitive information. Please leave your personal electronic devices in a bin outside the room.

That response is a bit disingenuous. Moshe illustrated rather clearly how Hughes’ views could be consistent (enough) with his calculations given some of the common beliefs among flat-earthers.

The thing most of us are unwilling to admit is precisely how many of the things we “know” are taken on faith. When we reach for

Some Flat-Earthers assert that things fall because the Earth is moving upwards constantly. Accellerating at 1G since God created it.

It wouldn’t be pulled “sideways.” The sideways forces from all directions cancel out, and the net force is downwards.

The fact is, there is considerable gray area on this issue, in part because US policy is intentionally left ambiguous in unclassified sources. But I can cite numerous articles quoting experts in the field that there are no real limitations on any president’s ability to order a nuclear strike, including a letter signed

Do you have any idea how fucked up an organization would be if its leader was treated like that?

Sorry but that is completely untrue. In order to decrypt AES-256, even if a supercomputer could attempt a billion billion keys per second (good luck with that), it would take 3x10^51 years to decrypt it.

No way, for any creative professional it is amazing. 28” is pretty big when you are sitting as close as you sit to a computer monitor. Blue being a computer monitor is gives you more screen real estate. More pixels = more space, bigger monitor doesn’t necessarily mean more usable space.

No way, for any creative professional it is amazing. 28” is pretty big when you are sitting as close as you sit to a

Yes, you are. You can disagree violently and debate violently, but you can’t physically attack people.